Together with the launching of Revolution we want to listen to your valuable thoughts of the changes implemented in game. Feel free to share your feedback with us!
I just hope that this new update is very interesting and that the game is more better, I also hope that the ping will be better for some Latin countries, due to their understanding. Thank you
gostariaque no competitive a gente pudesse escolher qual sala quer jogar,tipo escolher o mapa que quer jogar bandeira,matamata,ou sd,e sala de mata-mata em competitive não tem nada ver,por isso que a gente gostaria de poder escolher qual mapa iria jogar,seria mais justo e mais obvio,garanto a vocês que ninguém escolheria mata-mata,porque jogar o jogo de bandeira e sd é muito mais emocionante,o grau de dificuldade é maior por isso todos gostam,em fim fica meu pedido,obrigado.
hello GMs so after this new update we will lose all time we play and all mastery wepoans we level up all this time . so what we will win in this new update . and also how to level up in the new update by exp or what ?
the best think you ever did i just came back to blackshot cuz of that and TheChaos is one of this Players who is playing blackshot because of op weopens he know that he will be bad without op i dont want to Insult anyone but i dont understand peoples who dont like this who want a pay2win game lol no one care about rank or weopon rank i remember the time where ak47 was the best weopon in blackshot that was the best time in blackshot
The mastery is really really good idea on blackshot and it makes this game special and unique. Unlocking better weapons with experience with a type of weapon is a great idea.
As propostas anunciadas pelos jogo são interessante, se tudo decorrer como está escrito no anúncio, o jogo tem tudo pra alcançar uma potência mundial nos games free to play, FPS.
As alterações chamam muito minha atenção, espero que não demorem muito pra adicionarem, e nem que abusem do tempo devido para fazer as alterações.
Olá GM's ! Acho uma boa sim o BlackShot passar por mudanças, até por que já está a quase 10 anos com a mesma coisa né?! Então... Seria bem legal vocês implantarem um sistema que dessem pra nós mesmos criarmos nossas skins das armas, acho que isso seria uma boa. Seria legal também vocês reduzirem a quantidade de Snipers do jogo e trocarem o damage pra ser de "1 tiro" , até por que só aqui no BlackShot tem essa coisa de "Awp de 1 tiro e 2 tiros" ... Fica aqui minha sugestão ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello GM's! I think it's good that BlackShot is going through changes, even though it's already almost 10 years with the same thing, right ?! So ... It would be really cool if you deployed a system that would give us the ability to create our weapons skins, I think that would be a good thing. It would be cool too if you reduce the amount of snipers in the game and exchange the damage to be "1 shot", so why only here in BlackShot has this "Awp 1 shot and 2 shot" thing ... Here's my suggestion !
i have alot to share but mainly important of them are as below.....
1: the game servers should be increased..
2: we players have played hard to reach these ranks and it would not be fair to just waste all our efforts and start from level as many players will get dishearted and leave the game....
3:all previous banned accounts should be unbanned as this wil encourage more players to come back.
4:lag and bugs should be removed...
5:there should be weekly events which will encourage more players to engage...
most of all take some notice of unbanning the previous accounts...:))tnx
Get back old cw competive is the biggest trash…. no skills no fun… wiht noobs..wiht macro Player.. put old cw wiht old rules like Platin legend and stuff
Nothing i will get only my rank is that so complicated ?
#NotFair #TimeForNothing #RIP #BlackShot
Desde já fico grato,obrigado.
Unlocking better weapons with experience with a type of weapon is a great idea.