[BS-GLB Community Feedback] BlackShot Revolution

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

The long waited BlackShot: Revolution is finally live!

Step into the future of tactical Mercenary warfare, modernized and rebalanced for a truly unique skill-based Free-to-Play experience.

Check the link below for the full details of the latest update:

BlackShot Revolution Update  (click for more info)

Your feedback is now more important than ever and we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the link above, play a lot and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic.

Please take under consideration that the BlackShot Revolution is just the start of a new BlackShot Era and we will continue to update our content to provide you the best possible gaming experience.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • avivakler10avivakler10 Posts: 51Approved Member Beginner

    Here are my thoughts following BlackShot Revolution patch:

    1.  Removed functions:


    a.   Partnership system – one of the game's unique features, which
    added a lot to the gameplay and brought a great opportunity to enjoy the game
    alongside your friend in a satisfying way like assisting him during a flag run
    or while planting/defusing bombs. Also the option to take revenge on the enemy
    player who killed your partner… I will totally miss it!


    b.  On the scoreboard during a game (displayed by pressing the TAB
    button), you can't see who is the last player that killed you. Previously, the
    kill count of that player was circled in red and it was easy to tell who your
    last "assassin" is.


    c.   Following the patch, clan marks are not being shown on the
    scoreboard during a game (displayed by pressing the TAB button). This makes
    them less valuable for purchase and use for clans, because they are visible
    only in the game lobby.


    2.  Bad changes:


    a.   The addition of the red line (aura) around enemy players. It
    looks really weird in my opinion and we can definitely manage without it, like
    it was before the patch.


    b.  Permanent weapons - This is not true, because after purchasing
    the weapons for the first time they begin to be damaged as they are used and
    the player is required to repair them at a cost equal to the cost of purchasing
    the weapons in the first place. In other words, the announcement saying that in
    the new version the weapons will be for permanent usage is wrong and
    misleading, and in my opinion this is nothing more than a gimmick. Instead of
    needing to buy the weapons again in the shop, you find yourself with useless
    weapons which have to be repaired. The only difference is the weapons will be
    shown in our storage.


    c.   Fast leveling up - The update brought a new leveling system which
    has a very low EXP requirement in order to progress in the ranks. This is
    puzzling to me, since it makes no sense that a previously 2-star player can
    close the gap between him and a player who reached the highest level before the
    update in only 10 matches.


    d.  The lack of supply boxes when you rank up - disappointing and
    very surprising to me. I suppose this is a bug or a misunderstanding, because
    the whole idea of the ranks becomes negligible and insignificant in view of the
    existing situation.


    3.  Etc:


    a.   In the past, whenever a new patch was introduced to the game,
    everyone received a promotional email containing the important details for the
    players to know. I believe that the reduction in the number of active players might
    be related to the advertising and updates that has become less successful and
    less effective over time.


    b.  The forum – I'm sure this isn't the first complaint you guys
    receive about the forum. It's really not active and players avoid using it
    because of its disorder compared to the old forum. In the past I even created a
    thread which gathered all the pros and cons of the forum and gave everyone the
    opportunity to add their opinion and thoughts on the matter. It was even said
    that a new forum is being considered and tested, yet you decided to publish the
    revolution patch without changing the forum and by that, if you ask me, you
    guys missed the train. The forum is still going to be empty, unfortunately.

    Best regards,
  • andrechave2andrechave2 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Primeiramente: O sistema de reparar arma é o mesmo que comprá-las pois sai no mesmo preço de ter que comprar como era na atualização passada,propaganda enganosa.

    Segundo: O sistema de níveis é muito fácil pois a cada 1 sala você upa de nível,e não é nada de acordo com a antiga patente,no mínimo era para ser mais difícil que antigamente para upar,tornaria mais competitivo.

    Terceiro: Retiraram o sistema de parceiro que melhorava a jogabilidade.

    Quarto:Senti falta de muitas armas e não gostei da "Calibração" que fizeram deixaram as armas muito apelativas,todas as SMG não possuem recuo e fica muito fácil a precisão,se era competitividade que queriam falharam feio e retiraram muitas armas do shop.

    Quinto:Os novos personagens são muito estranhos,não precisava tirar os antigos pois eram amados pelos players,E essa aura que fica ao redor do inimigo faz o jogo parecer game de criança,perdeu a dinâmica de confundir os inimigos à distância.

    Sexto:Tiraram o Scope e o silenciador.

    Sétimo e último problema que achei:a jogabilidade das armas está estranha,muitas armas parecem de brinquedo sem ânimo para usá-las.

    Pontos positivos:A tela inicial do jogo,shop,inventário e gold box estão bons,os acessórios do personagem são permanentes e me fazem querer gastar para comprá-los e poder usar o med kit + o speed kit e o bomb kit torna mais completo o personagem e da mais competitividade.

  • alicia236alicia236 Posts: 36Member Beginner
    Olá equipe, 

    Pontos negativos que na minha opinião devem ser ajustadas para como era por volta de 2012 e tals. 

    Vale lembrar que, todos gostavam do Blackshot por seu estilo único, e com essa atualização o Blackshot tornou mais um jogo e com mais competitividade entre os FPS. Acredito que neste momento, posso apreciar outros jogos, afinal, a jogabilidade única que era posta pelo Blackshot ficou para trás. 

    *Balanceamentos das armas: alterou todo o modo de jogar para pior. 
    *Sistema de patentes: prefiro o antigo. 
    *Personagens: prefiro o antigo - Traves, Adam, Cuty e Vanessa. 
    *Tab's quando apertamos dentro do jogo, o sistema de clãs está desvalorizado. 

    Tudo o que o Blackshot reuniu em 10 anos, acabou em 1 dia. 

    Lutando por um blackshot justo e limpo.
    beginning: dezembro/2008
  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello guys,

    following a user request we deleted a topic that a user created but to avoid that other players feedback of the updated is deleted I will share it here:

  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate

    ''No silencer 

    ps: notice i repeat 2 time ak spider replace it with Mcmilian zebra''
  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate

    ''An additional comment by someone who is playing blackshot since 2010:

    Reasons why i dislike Blackshot Revolution:

    - UI is overloaded with stuff
    - I agree with Avi1298: camping wins now
    - Removed mastery, no silencer, no scopes, no gold weapons, no other mastery weapons, no feeling of progress, only a "level" to "clarify things. Yeah, ok i get where youre aiming at with the level thing, but we adapted to the old system. everybody did, everybody can. You may not know the rank's name, but you remember the symbol. one blink into the scoreboard, you know if it is a new player or an old one.
    - even if it meant you have some op weapons: i really liked the diversity. not even 10 weapons in the shop. wtf?

    You know what put blackshot in this bad state?
    you didnt listen to us in 2010, 2011, where the WW2 Patch and skins were put into the game.
    you simply removed them, and instead brought out mantis, isabelle, etc. then rayne. 
    instead of not putting out more op weapons, you kept on putting them into the game.
    back then the players already said: yeah thats bull. you ignored it, and kept on going to that state.
    Then: you finally seemed to listen: bugskins were removed. but not for long.
    they were turned back and were as buggy as before.

    now, instead of listening to the players, you think "yeah lets listen to them: no more pay to win"
    and i really like that. but you failed at it. 
    sadly you did. but you did. you did horribly.

    how could you have done it right?
    - Remove the bugskins (as you did in revolution)
    - remove or rebalance the op weapons, or rebalance the ones that are underpowered
    - rebalance/remove op gear

    3 simple things, that couldve been done ages ago
    after that, fix bugs on maps.

    that would have been it, and blackshot couldve returned to it's old glory.
    i remember the times where europe channel had 10 channels and 5 of it were full,
    likewise in global server. you know why there were so many?
    maybe you somewhere have the old version of blackshot in 2011.
    maybe you play it yourself and compare it to today's version.

    (back then, where ak dragon was released and considered the most op weapon of all times. 
    now? "ak dragon? haha, get on my level b!tch")

    In memories:
    AWP Ghost
    AK47 Dragon
    Old HK47-Forest
    Enfield WL
    Good old T1 Grenade

    Quarry TFM
    Roppongi I + II
    Mean Street

    Please notice that i am trying not to flame. So please take my worries serious. I would be really sad if this update will be the downfall of blackshot and lead to the retirement of this game.
    As you guys said, this game is now over 10 years old. Please lets make this game so great again, that it will live on for another 10 years.

    Yours Kebein/K3bein''
  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate

    ''its funny that 13,100,000 exp in the old black shot = 73 lvl if the exp required to gain new lvl is around 3500 . If im not mistaken i should have 3714 lvl in the new game ''
  • CatlikecrabCatlikecrab Posts: 2Member Beginner

    Revolution has it's good sides; no pay2win, snipers feel great(they don't need to be 1hit on everywhere in the body) overall the game feels smoother... But there are a few drawbacks...

    (Keep in mind, these are my personal preferences and thoughts. not saying IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS NOT ANY OTHER WAY)
    Here is my ''fixlist'' for revolution. 

    1. Weapon balance
    1.1 Rifles
    The rifle meta now is full spray with no horizontal recoil, only vertical small kick(you will see me bringing up this point a few times). This makes the gunplay feel nothing like blackshot. 

    What the game used to have, was guns(at least some of them) you could not effectively spray, at least not without advanced dominator, and the rifles would kill with one shot to the head. This rewarded people with good aim(people who played the game enough to git gud). 

    That meta was superior to the present meta, which is full spray, that actually loses to pistols/smg's/sg's. 

    Which brings us to...
    1.2 Pistols
    My god... Dual glocks 0 recoil 0 spread and kill in 3-5 shots. 

    This compared to old Bs, where pistols were pretty much useless, is way too drastic of a change, you need to find a good middle point between old and new. 

    It should be a sub weapon, not mainhand rush weapon that destroys everything.

    1.3 SMG's
    Movement speed while holding SMG's is way too fast. The fire rate and damage are also superior to rifles, which makes no sense. down with the dmg(atleast), and movement speed down.

    Guns should also have some sort of spray(in general). not complete vertical that does absolutely nothing, and is easily countered.

    1.4 Shotguns
    Close to mid range easily wins rifles. This combined with current SMG's and pistols render AR's completely useless. 

    Shotguns should still remain extremely effective in short ranges, but have a big dmg drop off on mid to long distances.

    1.5 Snipers
    This is something that in my opinion(as mainly a sniper), you completely nailed. 

    Snipers should not be 1 hit on every shot like in old Bs(arms and legs were one shot kill(not talking about finger/toe shots))

    As it is now, headshots and chest shots kill effectively, and leg/arm shots deal enough dmg to be finished off with a pistol/other weapon. One thing i'd add tho, is that stomach shots also were 1 hit. 

    Otherwise the feel of the snipers, the single zoom(debateable), the general way snipers work is something i recognize old bs. 

    No mantis, no op movement snipers, stop when you shoot, good aimers are rewarded. Good job on this part!

    1.6 Grenades
    This is something else you totally nailed; Nade damage/radius. My god was it annoying when the round started and you got bombarded with plasma/flashfrag/corgi, and whoopsie daisy, half the team is gone. 

    Now it has way better and forgiving blast radius, that you can still evade if quick enough, while not rendering them completely useless. Perfect balance. Good job on this!

    1.7 Knives/movement
    I see nothing wrong with current knife meta. As it used to be, let them get too close, get rekd by knife. Simple.

    In general, Movement speeds should be lowered in every single weapon, except knives. (Gain movement advantage while risking getting caught with your pants down. Basic FPS logic. current movement speed with SMG's for example, is way too high, and you can just run and gun.

    1.8 tl:dr
    Nerf SMG's, SG's and pistols, 
    Buff/restore AR's (1 hit headshot back and normal recoil)
    Snipers should also be 1 hit to stomach, otherwise perfect at the moment.
    Nerf movement speed in general, except on knives

    2. Map pool
    I really can't figure out the reasoning in removing most of the maps from the game. Unless it is just temporary to test the revolution patch with a few maps at first, and rolling in the rest later, then it's completely fine. 

    But if you seriously are considering either removing all of the maps that are not currently playable, or having some kind of map rotation, i think you should reconsider it. 

    Maps in this game is something i've always praised in BS, the SD maps in particular. With only 1 or 2 exceptions, the maps are PERFECT to play. Hopefully the full map pool is coming back soon.

    3. Kits and Gear
    3.1 Speed kit
    This most likely splits the community in half like god damn Moses, But in my opinion, speed kit should be fully removed from the game, or atleast disabled in SD or at the very least disabled in competitive/clan wars.

    It is weird to even say out loud: ''Yo bro, buy the speed kit, its pretty much like speedhack so you can rush the other team in a millisecond''. I really don't understand why this was added to the game in the 1st place (back in the day) and i still don't. Every SD game is pretty much a waiting game on which team rushes faster. Bombing and stacking a site is irrelevant when defenders rush just as hard, and gain advantage in getting to holding angles faster than light. 

    Added with the current weapons balance(pistols and smg's op) the game turns into a random run and gun arcade game. This is one of the biggest reasons the game, especially in SD side, feels nothing like the good old Blackshot.

    3.2 Medkit
    This feels like a good compromise between getting rid of heals completely and leaving premium(read op)Medkit in game. The cooldown is long enough, and you can no longer outheal guns, which is good. 

    WAY better than previous version.

    3.3 Steady aim
    Same that applied to speedkit, applies to this. ''Hey dude, get that steady aim stuff, it's pretty much no recoil for a moment''. Like.... what??. 

    Also, completely rendered useless by current meta of zero recoil SMG's and Rifles. How can you lower a non existent recoil? 

    Useless add on, and should be removed.

    3.4 Bomb kit
    Now, i know you moved the bomb kit to passive gear, and it is fine in a way, but i still think you should bring it back to the kits. 

    Here is my reasoning: 
    Back in the day, you had a choice to make. Medkit, or Bombkit. Both had huge advantages, and were part of tactical play in clan wars. 
    Current multi kit takes away the tactical side of kits. 
    With removal of multikit, speed and aim kit, and bringing bombkit back, you would have to choose between bombkit and medkit. Especially now that bombkit is relevant, since medkit is not as op as it was. 

    I think this would bring back some depth to competitive play.

    3.5 Multi weapon
    This is something i've always been strongly against, and will remain strongly against. 

    Multi weapon takes away the base idea of team play. 

    In most of, if not all FPS games, you have your team. 4, 5, 6, how ever many players, you have your designated sniper, and your designated SMG rusher dude and all the other generic ''roles'' in a team.

    Having the ability to carry 2 main weapons renders this, one of the most basic things in any FPS game, completely useless

    If not removed completely from the game, it should at the very least be disabled in competitive play(for obvious reasons).

    3.6 tl;dr
    There should only be medkit and bombkit, and you'd have to choose which one to use. No multikit, no ''built in hacks'' like ''aim kit'' and speed kit.
    Multigear should be removed, or at least disabled in competitive games.

    4 Competitive
    Now, this is just from the season 4 beta, i have no clue what you have in store for revolution, but here are the things i'd add/change in competitive play.

    4.1 Map pool
    In my opinion, the competitive map pool should have pretty much every map in it. Not a few maps per mode, almost all of them. Just like in the old clan war days.

    New map rotation every season is stupid. Period.

    4.2 Modes
    Search and destroy and TFM are the good 'ol modes we used to play in clan wars. TDM tho? Not so competitive. Ultimately the TDM maps in this game are utter garbage for competitive play. Why not just turn TFM and SD maps to TDM in comp? Would not at least be small mirrored maps with zero tactical spots, unless you count basecamping. Either TDM be gone, or atleast make the maps more enjoyable.

    4.3 Clan play
    Now, i know you talked about adding implement of old CW to comp, and i don't know what it is yet, but you should have seperated solo and clan comp. Simple as that.

    4.4 Misc.
    In my opinion, you should not have the ability to see how much enemies have HP and what weapon they're currently holding. This gives way too much information to play with. you should communicate with your team ''I hit the guy a few times before i went down, most likely used his medkit'' etc. Seeing enemies wield a knife is a sure way to tell they are either taking a long route flank, or just running away to camp etc. No real good reason to see these infos while dead.

    In addition. If the built in ''hack kits''(speed and aim) are not removed from the game, they should be disabled in competitive play along with multi weapon.

    It is a long list, but it really is not that complicated. I like the way things are headed, but you can't nail everything on your 1st try.

    Hopefully this message does not just get ignored by the team, and at least some of these points are taken to consideration. 

    Im sure im not the only one who feels this way.

    Thanks for reading.
  • nNikinhanNikinha Posts: 0Member Beginner
    ateu como uma pessoa inesperada variou o jogador parou de jogar por causa desse sentido que voutase como era antes tirou ak ouro ak preto etc
  • rapjajarapjaja Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Bom, gostaria de deixar apenas três críticas ao jogo assim que lançado:

    Primeiro: conforme os colegas de jogo falam sempre, os personagens não precisavam desse "contorno" em volta, o desenho deles está bom, mesmo mudando drasticamente.

    Segundo: arrumar a "hitbox" do HeadShot, está muito difícil acertar um "HS", nos personagens do jeito que estão.

    Terceiro: as armas realmente não são "permanentes", elas gastam rápido com a jogabilidade, são praticamente iguais o sistema antigo por horas, entendo que, assim que "ganhadas" na goldbox, elas nunca desaparecerão do inventário, porém acredito que de pra melhorar neste aspecto.

    Joguei praticamente 4 horas hoje, e senti muita dificuldade de aceitação dos players, que estão dizendo que o jogo ficou horrível. Acredito que se arrumar a "caixa" da cabeça dos personagens, para ser mais facil de dar HS, e tirando o contorno, este pessoal irá parar de dizer bobagem.
  • xsquashxsquash Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Olá equipe, 

    Pontos negativos que na minha opinião. 

    Vale lembrar que, todos gostavam do Blackshot por seu estilo único, e com essa atualização o Blackshot tornou mais um jogo e com mais competitividade entre os FPS. Acredito que neste momento, posso apreciar outros jogos, afinal, a jogabilidade única que era posta pelo Blackshot ficou para trás. 

    *Balanceamentos das armas: alterou todo o modo de jogar para pior. 
    *Sistema de patentes: prefiro o antigo. 
    *Personagens: prefiro o antigo - Traves, Adam, Cuty e Vanessa. 
    *Tab's quando apertamos dentro do jogo, o sistema de clãs está desvalorizado. 

    Tudo o que o Blackshot reuniu em 10 anos, acabou em 1 dia. 

    Lutando por um blackshot justo e limpo
    beginning: dezembro/2008
  • zerolife06zerolife06 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I have been here since 2011 and i can very happily say this is just what blackshot needed a fresh start for new players to get in to the game there is a couple of issues with the balance but all in all good work 


    1. Shotguns have to much range and to high of rate of fire they should be close up 1 shots no close to medium range

    2. The assault rifles are total rubbish there is no use for them at this point compare any assault rifle to the SR2- Shadow it has better DMG, Control, rate of fire and speed the assault rifles should be heavy hitting with high accuracy but low control. and the smg should be medium dmg medium accuracy and high control i would say the control for the smg at the moment is perfect even the semi auto pistols are better than the assault rifles at this point with high accuracy high DMG and low control its like you mix the stats of the assault rifles and the pistols up 

    3. I dont have a issue because i do open gold boxes so i have these items but it would be better for the f2p players if you put the silencer and scopes back in the gear slots so they can use them but at the cost of a gear slot 

    4. This is just advice i would remove the p90 or remove the scope of the p90 as it does not work and  it is very misleading when buying it 

    All in all its nice to see a change to help out the f2p players good just please keep the balance 
  • Avi1298Avi1298 Posts: 12Approved Member Beginner
    Hi folks 
    For me Revolution is kinda a bad update for Blackshot 

    1.low ping player easily rekt you like nothing 
    2.The game feel too slow i can't even feel like im playing Blackshot
    3.No wep scope,silencer,
    4.Ranking up is bad  not even fun to play anymore just 3 match and u already up an level lack of supply box
    5.Bring Back Rank ICON or  An icon to represent the rank we are 
    6.Room service(i mean put back "im match" "Ready") those icon are really bad  Or just add some colour about those icon   example:The icon when you are in match can be white  The icon when you are ready can be green
    7.Bring Back the old tab system/score board
    8.Hopefully mastery can be back 
    9.The screen(before entering the game) Bring back the old one this one very bad. the  in game shop is not friendly/easy anymore  Loadout is not friendly/easy to take too much time to select and item etc.....
    10.Pretty much no skilll base (my opinion) you dont need reaction time anymore because the game feel so slow "basically if you are getting shot at the back you can't even turn fast to get hit on your emeny
    11.Bring back the old tatical gear
    12.speedkit don't feel like nothing (in other words feel like im running in Blackshot 2.0(oldbs)
    13.Character is pretty bad expect vanessa ( THE RED 
    geometric shape need to go) Bring Back RED AND BLUE COLOUR ON THE CHARACTER
    14.Switch bug is still there (but not as bad as last time  let say it 60/100 before it was 100/100)
    15.When you wheel click your character the animantion is sooo slow 
    16.No Clan Mark
    17.Bring back the lost temple( or i you need to improve it , send me an email or post a comment i will pretty much so you how to improve "Area which need to be improve" and it not even colour friendly it hurt my eyes a lot too many colour and it too shiny)
    18.smg/pistol/shotgun pretty are the most op i seen (let not talk about the pistol fire rate, smg firerate shotgun range, rifle  dont get any chance)
    19.When you click on TOPUP/Recharge [GOLD/GEMS] When you cancel it, it still open a goolge tab on the desktop (pretty much any web browser you are using)
    20.Crouch for the win and aim at the head for the lose (Which mean pretty much a lot of camper almost everyone is playing passive)
    21.Macr0 pretty much rekt people  (at this point i want to go to the old bs where atleast op wep can get a chance against macr0)

    22. At this point for me basically revolution is a big no no, i been playing for 6+ year and never felt like that on any update. pretty my choice is to bring back old blackshot without any BSC ITEM/WEAPON.  
    Make Blackshot 2.0 character customizable or pretty much Make revolution feel like you are in a bp gameplay of Blackshot 2.0 (old bs)   
    Not slow gameplay 
    Play For Fun
    Stay Clean
    Stay Awesome 

  • 13xSuNnYx1313xSuNnYx13 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Moin, kurz gesagt spielerisch ist das update in Ordnung, aber es gibt noch vieles was gepatcht werden muss und wo man noch was verbessern kann. Ein Mix aus dem alten und neuen Blackshot wäre am besten. 

    - Gebt uns das Mastery Leveln wieder (Gold, NZ und NX waren nie Pay-To-Win, das waren Waffen die man sich durch spielerische Leistung erspielt hat/ Genauso auch Scope und Silencer
    - Ein Icon für einen Rank wäre gut oder die Level in verschiedenen Farben darstellen
    - Man ist unnormal langsam ingame, Speedkit kann man gleich weglassen, da es keinen sehbaren Unterschied macht ob man das nutzt oder nicht
    - Pistolen schießen ohne sehbaren Recoil und viel zu schnell, Schüsse überschlagen sich
    - Waffen / Gears ect. sollte man für Tage und nicht Stunden erwerben können... Meinetwegen auch dementsprechend teurer, aber es ist ziemlich nervig ständig alles nachzurüsten oder zu reparieren


    - Bringt die Partnerschaft wieder zurück - Parnercam, Killcam für Partner ect.
    - Holt euch ein vernünftiges Anti-Hackshild, gut jetzt gibt es kein PAY TO WIN mehr aber es gibt immer noch viel zu viele MACRO USER und Hacker!!!
    - Wenn ihr es dabei belasst das nach Level 99 Schluss mit Leveln ist dann ist das für mich das Ende von Blackshot, ich werde meinen Acc (der bereits Level 97 ist) noch auf 99 spielen und danach mein 2. Character Slot danach wird ich nie wieder Blackshot spielen, da es einfach nur noch sinnlos ist. Ohne Mastery Leveln, oder Rank leveln ect. ist Blackshot einfach nur Senceless
  • shadowszshadowsz Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Bom dia a todos, meu nome é Lucas e sou administrador da página não-oficial Blackshot BR Support. Minha função nos últimos anos foi expressar a opinião dos brasileiros de maneira uniforme e única. Eu quero propor aqui um Blackshot que os brasileiros estão me pedindo há algum tempo. Que basicamente junta o melhor do Blackshot 2013 com o que foi lançado alguns dias atrás

    1. Personagens:

    - Adam, Cathy, Travis e Vanessa (Por Padrão como era antigamente, podendo usar skin color para mudar)
    - Sniper Mantis, Isa (Gorda), Nina (Gorda), Rayne (Adquiridos com BP, porém sem nenhuma vantagem sobre os outros personagens)
    - Pode liberar futuramente mais personagens como já possui hoje, porém somente por questão de personalização sem nenhuma vantagem sobre os adversários
    - Os Personagens deviam ficar um pouco mais rápidos, deixa uma boa jogabilidade principalmente por questões táticas

    2. Sistema de Armas
    - Voltar o Mastery mas ele poderia ser mudado ao invés de EXP mudar por número de Kill. Fez 1000 Kills com Rifle sobe para Rookie 3. 1500 Kills Rookie 2 e assim por diante. Por EXP nunca fez sentido, em 2010 e 2011 você upava o mastery facilmente.
    - O Mastery poderia liberar ao invés de Armas NX1 e NZ1. Liberar Scope, Silenciador, Magazine Extension, Mascaras e Skins para venda após subir determinado nível.
    - O Mastery poderia definir o estilo de cada jogador e esse estilo aparecer na info do jogador, por exemplo o cara é Expert em Rifle poderia aparecer como um broche que ele possa usar in game do tipo "Fragger Comproved" "Fraco Atirador" algo assim. Para valer a pena o cara subir o mastery. 

    3. Sistema de Roupas
    - O Atual ficou ridículo
    - Deveria ter 4 ou 5 sets de Gold para cada personagem e abrir os mais top de GEM. Vocês possuem programadores que podem desenvolver roupas, bags e mascaras muito mais decentes que hoje. Eu achava o Suit do Adam animal e era de GS na época do Garena. Esse tipo de coisa vale a pena desenvolver. E Claro os personagens que eram de GS poderiam ter uma personalização de cor da roupa de personagem. 

    4. Armas
    - Todas as armas de Gold (Nada de arma de GEM)
    - A arma não pode ser desgastada se não permanece o mesmo sistema de hoje
    - Liberar Skins para TODAS AS ARMAS (Essas precisam ser de GEM, seis precisam fazer dinheiro também, provavelmente vocês vão fazer isso colocando por 30 dias, mas eu prefiro permanente nem que fique um pouco mais caro)
    - Rebalancear as armas armas que matam com um tiro na cabeça não deve ter pouco recoil e armas que não matam com um tiro na cabeça devem ter menos recoil e um pouco mais rápida e as smgs não devem ter dano a longa distância. Somente no confronto de perto que ela deve ter vantagem. A Shotgun é a mesma coisa, se atira rápido precisa ter dano baixo, e se o dano for alto ela deve ter tiros mais lentos. A AWP deveria voltar com uma cara diferente, matando com um tiro porém ela precisa ser um pouco mais lenta do que é hoje, para remover a chance do qq. O cara acertou um tiro matou se errou precisa recuar para tentar dar outro tiro

    - A loja de Skins poderia ser por tipo de arma, você abre uma aba somente para Skins. Então você abre uma opção para classificar ou selecionar somente por arma, o cara joga de AK ele abre somente as skins da ak e faz a compra da skin que quer. É óbvio que se tiver umas skins animais, todo mundo vai querer comprar para ostentar dentro do jogo. Isso é fato ! 

    5. Gears
    - Remover completamente o sistema de gears antigo gastando para obte-los
    - O sistema atual é bem mais interessante, mas ele deveria ter características por personagens padrões. Por exemplo o Travis e a Vanessa que é mais rápido poderia ter algumas gears nessa característica como speed boots, infiltrator entre outros nesse sentido. E Adam e Cathy como são diferentes precisam ter vantagem também com outras gears como a de HP por exemplo somente aumentando 5 de HP. Os 4 personagens podem ter algumas gears em comum, mas eles precisam ter algumas diferentes, acabam tendo características próprias e fazendo taticamente funções diferentes dentro do jogo.

    6. Kits
    Eu Particularmente sou contra os dois, não deveria ter esses itens dentro do jogo. Estraga taticamente o jogo, mas já que ele está no jogo a melhor solução é o player escolher somente 1 TIPO DE KIT, ou usa somente o Med, ou Somente o Speed ou o Steath Aim. Usar dois dá muita vantagem para o personagem, e lembrando que os mesmos devem continuar de BP

    7. Sistema de Patentes
    Sinceramente, o antigo era bem melhor.
    Ou vocês mantem o antigo, ou criam um novo sistema com patente mesmo. Não simplesmente colocar level, isso para o jogador é ruim não poder mostrar para todos a sua patente. 

    8. Map Pool
    - Escolher somente alguns mapas para o sistema competitivo (E fazer o rodízio de mapas a cada 60 dias)
    - Quando algum mapa não estiver no map pool realizar pequenas atualizações para deixar o mapa mais competitivo, poucas mudanças. A minha pergunta é "A quanto tempo a SD 2 não é modificada" Vocês podem atualizar esse tipo de mapa, as vezes deixar ele fora do Map Pool e colocar outro mapa para os jogadores aprenderem a jogar. Eu simplesmente estou cansado de abrir o Servidor Brasileiro e só ver OFFICE ! O sistema de Boost de EXP para mapas menos jogados é uma boa para os mapas voltarem a ser jogados.

    9. Estilos de Jogo
    - Acredito que o Team Death Match deveria ser removido do servidor e ser transformado em apenas Death Match em todos os mapas, todo mundo contra todo mundo podendo escolher qualquer mapa. Basta criar pontos de respawn e todos nascem nesses respaws e deixa o pau quebrar. Assim as pessoas aprendem a usar as armas e trocar com elas e melhorar com isso. Manter o WR é uma boa opção também. Remover o FFA que não tem muita função dentro do jogo poucas pessoas usam isso. Criar novos mapas de TFM é uma boa como era antigamente. Atualizar os mapas atuais colocando algumas coisas diferentes também é bacana e atrai novos jogadores.

    Assim, vamos ter um jogo competitivo novamente e assim vamos ter 9 servidores cheios de brasileiros

  • shadowszshadowsz Posts: 3Member Beginner
    1. Characters:

    - Adam, Cathy, Travis and Vanessa (By default as it was before, you can use skin color)
    - Sniper Mantis, Isa (Second Version), Nina (Second Version), Rayne (Bought with BP but no advantage over the other characters)
    - You can release more characters in the future as you already have, but only for personalization with no advantage over your opponents
    - Characters should get a little faster than before, leaves a good gameplay mainly for tactical reasons
    2. Weapons System

    - Return the Mastery but it could be changed instead of EXP change by Kill number. Made 1000 Kills with Rifle Rises for Rookie 3. 1500 Kills Rookie 2 and so on. By EXP it never made sense, in 2010 and 2011 you up levels the mastery easily.
    - The Mastery could release instead of Weapons NX1 and NZ1. Release Scope, Silencer, Magazine Extension, Masks and Skins for sale after climbing certain level.
    - The Mastery could set the style of each player and this style appears in the player's info, for example the guy is Expert in Rifle could appear as a brooch that he can use in game of the type "Fragger Comproved" "Weak Sniper" something like this . To make it worth the guy to climb the mastery.
    3. Clothing System

    - The present was ridiculous
    - It should have 4 or 5 suit to be buy using gold for each character and open other suits to buy with GEM. You have programmers who can develop clothes, bags and masks much more decent than today. I thought the Suit of Adam was very beautiful and it was GS in the Garena era. This kind of suit you can develop. And Of course the characters who were from GS could have a color customization of the character outfit.
    4. Weapons

    - All weapons purchased with Gold (No GEM weapon)
    - The weapon can not be worn if it does not remain the same system today
    - Release Skins for ALL WEAPONS (These need to be GEM, six need to make money too, you'll probably do this by putting it for 30 days, but I prefer permanent or a little more expensive)
    - Rebalancing guns that kill with a shot in the head should not have little recoil and weapons that do not kill with a shot in the head should have less recoil and a little faster and the smgs should not have damage at long distance. Only in close confrontation should she have an advantage. The Shotgun is the same, if you shoot fast you must have low damage, and if the damage is high it must have slower shots. The AWP should come back with a different face, killing with a shot but it needs to be a bit slower than it is today, to remove the qq chance. The guy hit a shot killed if he missed he needs to back down to try to shoot another shot

    - The Skins store could be by weapon type, you open a tab only for Skins. Then you open an option to sort or select only by weapon, the guy plays from AK it only opens the ak skins and makes the purchase of the skin it wants. Obviously if you have some beautiful skins, everyone will want to buy them to use and show to all players inside the game. This is a fact !
    5. Gears
    - Completely remove the old gears system by spending gold to get them
    - The current system is much more interesting, but it should have characteristics by standard characters. For example the Travis and the Vanessa that is faster could have some gears in that characteristic like speed boots, infiltrator among others in that sense. And Adam and Cathy as they are different need to take advantage also with other gears such as HP for example only increasing HP 5. The 4 characters may have some gears in common, but they need to have a few different ones, end up having their own characteristics and doing tactically different functions within the game
    6. Kits
    I am particularly against the two, should not have these items within the game. Tactically spoils the game, but since he is in the game the best solution is for the player to choose only 1 TYPE OF KIT, or use only the Med, or Only the Speed or the Steath Aim. Using two gives a lot of advantage to the character, and remembering that they should continue from BP
    7. Sistema de Levels
    Sinceramente, o antigo era bem melhor.
    Ou vocês mantem o antigo, ou criam um novo sistema com patente mesmo. Não simplesmente colocar level, isso para o jogador é ruim não poder mostrar para todos a sua patente.
    8. Map Pool
    - Choose only a few maps for the competitive system (and do the map rotation every 60 days)
    - When some map is not in the map pool make small updates to make the map more competitive, few changes. My question is "How long is SD 2 unchanged?" You can update this type of map, sometimes leave it out of the Map Pool and put another map for players to learn to play. I'm just tired of opening the Brazilian Server and only see OFFICE! The EXP Boost system for less played maps is a good way for maps to be played again.
    9. Game Styles
    - I believe that Team Death Match should be removed from the server and be transformed into Death Match only on all maps, everyone against everyone being able to choose any map. Just create respawn points and everyone is born in these respaws. So players learn to use weapons and trade with them and improve with it. Keeping WR is a good option as well. Removing the FFA that does not have much function inside the game few people use this. Creating new TFM maps is as good as it used to be. Updating the current maps putting some different things is also cool and attracts new players.
  • camera18camera18 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    I no like new updapted . your deleted all me weapon and all me mastery and all me bp ,I play in me acc 4 years and your delete easy . return original blackshot 
  • Thanprod77Thanprod77 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Hello, here is my feedback (and i think a lot of people will accept it)

    The idea of revolution with removing unbalancing gamemode was a great idea but
    you removed the BASICS of blackshot, why me and a lot of old players were playing on this game.

    First of all: Ranks?
    Where there is a motivation to get a rank with a number ????
    Ranks with pictures and military rank was much much better.
    For example i was playing during a moment to get 1 star because for me it was really beautiful side to my name.
    Now we got numbers, i have 0 motivation to lvl up.

    Unlocking weapons by playing a lot with a type of weapon was a really great advantage which was making blackshot unique. No more silencer, no more scope, no more 'gold' weapons. 
    Why the hell do you removed it ??? It was fuckin amazing and i was try hardin lost temple to get this fkin ak gold at old times.

    Old Ak, Awp, Uzi, scar???

    Where are this masterpiece weapons? the old hk ? those weapons where 1000x better for me than this new weapons.

    To conclude :
    The idea of revolutionize this game was a great idea. But by revolutionizing this game, you forget the basics, this fkin old ak gold with scope miss me.

  • Thanprod77Thanprod77 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    PS : 30% of my friends stopped blackshot
  • SunnY77313SunnY77313 Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
    Ganz kurz geschrieben solltet ihr hier im Forum eine Abstimmung zwischen dem alten Blackshot und den neuen Blackshot machen. Bin davon überzeugt, das das alte Blackshot um Welten besser ist, wenn ich lese und sehe wieviel aufhören.

    Das neue Blackshot bringt mir garnix mehr.
    Man trifft zu 90 % diesen weiblichen Charakter Rayne nicht, deswegen holen sich den jetzt alle. Lagger trifft man nicht. Dieses stundenweise holen ist sinnfrei. Das Aussehen des Spiels wie ein Comic gefällt nicht. Man hat nix mehr zu tun wenn man lvl 99 ist. Es ist kein Play-to-win, da es die Assassin Goldbox gibt mit OP-shit gegenüber den Waffen für Gold (also pay-to-win).Scope fehlt defenitiv, da auf entfernung (Riffle) die leute trotz farblicher umrandung sehr schwer zu sehen sind.

    Die eigentlichen Probleme wie das buggen im Melee, das spielen mit Macros oder sogar das hacken sind nach wie vor vorhanden. Ich garantiere euch, Ihr wart mit Blackshot Global (alte Version) einzigartig, nur das hereinnehmen des Omega Mist und dieser 1 Hit sniper in den Goldboxen war ein Fehler. Ich spiele den defensiven Kerl, merke nur nix mehr davon, bin schneller down als der weibliche Rayne Charakter.

    Es macht im Moment 0 Spaß, solltet in euren Entscheidungen die Community viel öfters einbaun, ich will das alte Blackshot zurück, ich sehe es nicht als Revolution, sondern als noch mehr Geld machen als vorher mit häßlichen gamplay, null Spaßfaktor und nach wie vor alten Problemen.

    Es hören sehr viele auf und so wie es aussieht bin ich wohl auch einer davon, denn das ist nur noch Zeitverschwendung !!!
  • lordpapislordpapis Posts: 2Member Beginner
     At this point for me basically revolution is a big no no, i been playing for 8 + year and never felt like that on any update. pretty my choice is to bring back old blackshot without any BSC ITEM/WEAPON.  
    Make Blackshot v2.0 character customizable or pretty much Make revolution feel like you are in a bp gameplay of Blackshot v2.0 (old bs)   
    Not slow gameplay
  • Metzger66671Metzger66671 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Das neue BS .Ich finde es bis jetzt scheiße all die ganze Arbeit mit der Waffen exp alles weg, die Ränge in Levels gewandelt, und wo sind die Gears, die für mich ganz entscheidend zur Charakter Bildung beigetragen haben. Das ist ein Tritt in den Allerwertesten für alle Spieler die seit mindestens 5 jahren oder länger dabei sind. Und was sollen die gems ?????? xxxxxxxGold gleich = xxxxxxgems mhh auch einen tritt für diejenigen die richtig Geld in das Spiel gesteckt haben . Positiv kann ich dem leider nix abgewinnen, ich denke es werden viele alte Spieler BS den Rücken kehren, so eine große Veränderung kann man nicht ohne Ankündigungen machen und zwar so das es jeder versteht. Die Rollenspiel Aspekte völlig weg. Das war einer der Punkte warum ich es damals angefangen habe zu spielen.
    Achso ich vergaß und dann auch so mir nichts dir nichts den spiel Charakter zu ändern von Adam 1 auf Adam 2 zu ändern man hätte ja wenigstens die Möglichkeit lassen sollen wieder den alten zu nehmen .
    alias Maettler
  • SobrenaturalgamingSobrenaturalgaming Posts: 1Member Beginner
    volte com o sistema antigo, mastery, patentes, clan war, skin ak-47 do garena.

  • SobrenaturalgamingSobrenaturalgaming Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Bom dia a todos, meu nome é Eduardo

    2. Sistema de Armas
    - Voltar o Mastery mas ele poderia ser mudado ao invés de EXP mudar por número de Kill. Fez 1000 Kills com Rifle sobe para Rookie 3. 1500 Kills Rookie 2 e assim por diante. Por EXP nunca fez sentido, em 2010 e 2011 você upava o mastery facilmente.
    - O Mastery poderia liberar ao invés de Armas NX1 e NZ1. Liberar Scope, Silenciador, Magazine Extension, Mascaras e Skins para venda após subir determinado nível.
    - O Mastery poderia definir o estilo de cada jogador e esse estilo aparecer na info do jogador, por exemplo o cara é Expert em Rifle poderia aparecer como um broche que ele possa usar in game do tipo "Fragger Comproved" "Fraco Atirador" algo assim. Para valer a pena o cara subir o mastery. 

    3. Sistema de Roupas
    - O Atual ficou ridículo
    - Deveria ter 4 ou 5 sets de Gold para cada personagem e abrir os mais top de GEM. Vocês possuem programadores que podem desenvolver roupas, bags e mascaras muito mais decentes que hoje. Eu achava o Suit do Adam animal e era de GS na época do Garena. Esse tipo de coisa vale a pena desenvolver. E Claro os personagens que eram de GS poderiam ter uma personalização de cor da roupa de personagem. 

    4. Armas
    - Todas as armas de Gold (Nada de arma de GEM)
    - A arma não pode ser desgastada se não permanece o mesmo sistema de hoje
    - Liberar Skins para TODAS AS ARMAS (Essas precisam ser de GEM, seis precisam fazer dinheiro também, provavelmente vocês vão fazer isso colocando por 30 dias, mas eu prefiro permanente nem que fique um pouco mais caro)
  • Parente11Parente11 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Eu muito sinceramente ja deixei de jogar a isso, o jogo perdeu comentamente a piada, sem metas sem nada, continua ser a mesma coisa de sempre, quem carrega tem vantagens, como as armas de Goldbox. Se voltarem por armas no shop de gemas, volto senão não volto, alem disso, não vejo nenhum objetivo de jogo. Não tenho mais nada a dizer.
  • jayconmitohsjayconmitohs Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Olá equipe, 

    Pontos negativos na minha opinião são ajustadas para a era por volta de 2012 e tals. 

    Vale a pena, todos gostaram do Blackshot, e com essa atualização o Blackshot tornou-se um jogo mais fácil entre os FPS. Acrescente este título, caso os outros jogos, afinal, uma jogabilidade única que foi posta pelo Blackshot ficou para trás. 

    * Balanceamentos das armas: altere todo o modo de jogar para pior. 
    * Sistema de patentes: prefiro o antigo. 
    * Personagens: prefiro o antigo - Traves, Adam, Cuty e Vanessa. 
    * Tab's when apertmos dentro do jogo, o sistema de clãs está desvalorizado. 

    Tudo o que o Blackshot reuniu em 10 anos, acabou em 1 dia. 
  • lordpapislordpapis Posts: 2Member Beginner
    I d'not like new update . your deleted all me weapon and all me mastery and all me bp ,I play in me acc 4 years and your delete easy . return original blackshot 

  • NinjiskaNinjiska Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Com Todo Respeito ficou muito Ruim esse novo Bs , nada a ver com blackshot, Não gostei e muitos amigos meus tambem não então pra não fica xingando resolvi parar de Jogar abraços aos amigos se caso voltar oque era antes voltarei a jogar

    Att: FireKeeP
  • macedorilker8macedorilker8 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Bom dia , meu nome é Rilker e jogo bs desde a epoca do garena, minha opinião eh 

    1 as armas iam ser permanentes, mentira! a gente tem que comprar e o reparo eh preço da compra dnv, 
    2 tiraram o Partner , vacilo
    3 a unica coisa que se upa é a patente, n é motivador 
    4 faltam os coletes
    5 faltam os capacetes
    6 o jogo ainda trava muito, antes travava hora q entrava outro player , agora eh toda hora
    7 os mouses configurados ainda mandam no jogo 
    8 GM anjo tinha que ter mais paciencia com os players e parar de ameaçar e de banir por qualquer motivo que desagrade ele

  • KeepKeepKeepKeep Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Apesar de muita gente não concordar comigo, eu acho que o jogo melhorou em alguns aspectos mas, muito pior em outros, como por exemplo, não tem sentido nenhum que só na GoldBox estejam as armas com "skin" ou seja, aquelas armas com um bom designer, eu carreguei aproximadamente cerca de 2800 Gemas, e para obter alguma arma com um designer bom, só consegui Caixas de 5.000 Gold e 50.000 Gold, ou armas que já tinha compradas na GoldBox com o BSC que foi transformado em Gemas, a minha ideia era porem armas á venda no Shop por Gemas, e não só na GoldBox, porque se isso for permanente, nunca mais volto a por dinheiro neste jogo, porque se cada vez que carrego aqui, estou a perder dinheiro desta maneira, prefiro gasta-lo em algo melhor, estou muito decepcionado.
    De resto acho que está tudo perfeito, mas como disse anteriormente, se não mudam isso das GoldBox, vou parar de jogar. 
This discussion has been closed.