[BS-GLB NOTICE] Regarding the Unblocking Wave on BlackShot - 05/29/2020
Posts: 64BS DSH Beginner
Hello Everyone,
This was aligned with an event "Second Chance" we planned but the unblocks happened before we could get the event post up.
More information will be shared when we put up the Event post but the basics of the event is as follows.
History of the Event:
- We have changed the policies on Blocking Players in regards to Association with Hacktools and Playing with Hackers.
- These users will be monitored and sent to our Developers and BattleEye for more confirmation of the Accounts in Question.
- This mean our Manual blocks will be going down in regards to hacking/association with hacking/playing with hackers but this will allow our Developers and BattleEye more information to stop the the hacks in general instead of just manually removing the hackers.
- We have been trying this new system for a month now and we have seen a lot of promising effects with the combined efforts of our Developers and BattleEye and we hope the relationship will keep providing positive output.
Specifics of the Event:
- We have seen positive effects in regards to our combat of the BSDB hacks out on the market so we have made the decision to unblock players that have been blocked for Investigation/Association/ Playing with Hackers.
- Any players blocked for Investigation/Association/ Playing with Hackers between Jan 01, 2019 - May 20,2020 were unblocked for further investigation.
- This doesn't mean we are going easier on Hackers and Hacking this just is a better long term method to remove hacking and methods from our service.
- Our GM team might not be giving out as many manual blocks for Hacking but they will be working closely with our Developer Team and BattleEye team.
- Please continue to let our GMs know about hackers and tools the community finds and still report them on Support system!
Muziq "Got them Beats"
This discussion has been closed.
Muziq "Got them Beats"