New Maintenance Error

berat24berat24 Posts: 6Approved Member
Hi Blackshot Team 
I am from Turkey and We are the Turkish players after the last maintenance We have ping problems

Previously we have played this game full ping but these days we have 3 or 1 ping 

Here is the image in game please solve this problem
The first image took at 31/07/2016


The second image took at 05/08/2016


  • TatsuyaGameMastersTatsuyaGameMasters Posts: 76BS GM Beginner
    Hello @berat24

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, We understand that most of the users are having ping issues after the servers's shuttdown, we are working on it by the best way possible, it's just a matter of time until the servers go back to normal. 

    Thank you for your patience.

    Stay Awesome
    image  Send us a Ticket if you have any quesions! And STAY AWESOME!
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