Dragon Souls D SHOP BOXES

Timecode6Timecode6 Posts: 23Approved Member
So you used to have dragon soul d shop boxes, Will you be doing this again soon?

I think now is a great time with many old players coming back, but realising that no matter what they have level or gear... if they don't have the necks ( obtained with dragon souls) then they might as well quit...

Please could you let us know if you have an intention to do this?


  • JamdariusJamdarius Posts: 57Approved Member Beginner
    Why oh why making it P2W again?! Just simple make some small event to obtain them in game easier, like finishing Deux in maze dung giving 10 Dragon Souls same with any other solo dung.

    The problem in this game is just huuuuuge difference between cash users and free players + devs forgot that most people still playing here have like 3hours per day maybe to play.

    Wanna make the difference make events with good stuff to obtain for even F2P community than the gap wide as Solar System will get smaller between old and new(er) players.
  • CynnisterCynnister Posts: 110Approved Member Trainee
    I agree with most of this completely!. But on the other side, it's a F2P so with having people spend money in the DShop is a way to generate revenue. 
    Again, lol, I contradict myself with this thought process, because I am ALL for F2P with all the same benefits as others.
    I don't think that they should sell anything that can make one character stronger then a F2P character. Pay for mounts, pets, xp, blah, blah, blah is fine but keep the playing field somewhat equal. 
  • jans217jans217 Posts: 31Approved Member Beginner
    Dshops can give like Gnires, plus chance in item upgrade, making holes.... instant teleports should have limits like 5 teleports only per day to encourage people to farm their way PK in areas and make those pked chars walk or run again to that place, its like penalty that they died in PK and in this happening guilds will be useful, segnale ressurection will be useful and also remove the segnales auto ressu item forgot the name, so that when seg dies they can resu with their skill on the 2nd death they need to walk or run again to that map....                                              
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