Where Should I Start?

KaronaKarona Posts: 3Approved Member
The Client Itself

The client has been cluttered, and compacted with crap over the years. Things that are no longer used or forgotten. It may be time to freshen it up a bit. The old quest lines from the four corner quests of Loa Castle and Braiken Castle are still in the client and have overlapped with the Agacion quest in Requies.

There are ridiculous amounts of broken text, translation errors, and strange spellings. Especially with quests(one of them noted above). It would take a long time to draw them up, and get them into one list and/or video. Time I wouldn't get paid to use.

The Economy

Gold sellers, they ruin everything. Not even Sailor Saturn could cause such destruction. They are a virus to both the living, and the digital world. They get people banned on top of it. There has to be some way to purge them, forever.

Player economies are great, to an extent. While you should not require an economic degree to participate, people in this game find a way to ruin it for everyone. It is a freaking nightmare to the point of it NOT being friendly to our life wallets. Gamers have other games to play, to spend, and other bills.

Scammers, seriously, stop it or leave.

Stop the buying and reselling shenanigans, I will not stand to stare at a market screen all day. Fun as it may be, not everyone wants to do it. There needs to be some level of income for combat farmers, not upgrade spammers.

Bouillons have assisted with the raping of this economy. They did nothing but give people a sorry excuse to raise their ego even higher, and further enable gold sellers. Raise the cap to fit inside the interface without exploding integers.

The Upgrade System

Change the name of the materials used. Silver, gold are very soft metals. No blacksmith would dream of working these into weapons. Are you sure Asians developed this game? I don't know. The current metals are still silly. However they are conductive metals, magic users love it when things conduct their power easier. Swordsman hate it when their weapon practically melts in their hands when they visit Draco Desert.

Okay, I understand this is how the Korean Internet Cafe Grinder Scam world works. But everything about this system is just bad. There is no other way to put it. There have been No Trade boxes given over the years but that isn't helping, it is only a band-aid fix.

Losing your hard earned work is devastating if you can't mindlessly dump money into it. I have always thought of this game as some form of Diablo. But this game is grinds your wallet if you want to get ANYWHERE.

Remove the breaking, failing, and send these so called "blacksmiths" back to their masters for more training. Other games are just as grind heavy, if not more without such a system. It would be nice to have money for cosmetics for once and not protectors and success chance boosters.


Remove it, completely. It was fun at first but now it
has completely died off. Unless guilds still do things other than Castle
Siege. I have never seen people run it. Assuming it even still works.

Nunvice Dungeon

Why was this ever removed? It was fun as hell. Unless the glitch(look it up if you don't know) was not fixable. I miss it dearly.

Number Of Monsters

People still run this game on potatoes, is there really no way to add difficulty through monster stats? Too many times people are disconnecting from Deadfront because there are far too many entities running. I mean we don't see 50 boss level mobs running around(would do this on the private server I was on, it's hilarious)


Dekaron is the most frustrating game I have ever played but I somehow still manage to enjoy it amidst all the filth. I greatly miss the time when there was a server here in North America under the name 2Moons where people, even player killers, were a lot more civilized.

Okay, this editor really is no fun to use. EDIT: I think I can do this again


  • CynnisterCynnister Posts: 110Approved Member Trainee
     I am SURE there are a lot of people here that feel the SAME way my friend. This game could use a small overhaul and it would be even better than it is. I have been here since 2007 when it was 2Moons, 
     I have seen a lot of changes, some for the good but a lot for the bad lol. Expo runs were great in the beginning, a lot of fun. And Nunvice Dungeon!!! OH HELL YEAH! haha. Used my Seggy in there a lot with that glitch lol
  • primd4l94primd4l94 Posts: 22Approved Member Beginner
    This post sums up a whole lot of the ongoing issues that the game could improve upon.

    A lot of the basic structure of the game needs to be reworked in general. Expedition is pointless to a wide extent. To add more to it, there isn't enough solo dungeon content.

    I understand this is a grind game, but adding more variety to the game would maintain a more steady playerbase. What I mean to say is; people are stuck doing the same content over and over again for hours at a time past a certain point.
    Level 1-100 is great in that sense. We get to see a lot of places, do a lot of quests - New stuff all the time. But at a certain point it just takes hours to do a very little in the same zone, progressively becoming the same zone, the same CQs you farm in order to progress in the game.
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