Game Suggestion if i'm a game moderator or GM

Just a suggestion:
1. Make items unbinded for equal opportunity and encourage farming.
2. Remove auto teleport to anywhere or minimize it, so that when PKed by a KOS you will need to walk again to that map as penalty of being weak and dying in battle. in this manner KOS and Guilds will be useful and everyone may need guild to help or assist them in farming and PK.
3.Remove Segnale and Segu item that can ressurect them when they die, the skill that ressurect themselves is once only and when they die again they need to walk also to that map again as penalty of being weak.
4. Random Platinum Bullion Box in Dshop, in this manner rich people will buy dshop to have bullions to buy for Papaya Crystals, Mitera, Seeds, dragon souls, etc..
5. Shift game of more to free to play compare to Pay to win, but again its not totally free, dshop may still assist you in making +9 items, making holes, gnires, pots, additional xp and drops, masters mistake, stat regen, etc... and that random platinum bullion box.
6. to have more income items like Wings,PSD,MDN,MWR,Lachrymae,Squama,Perp and its ingredients can now be put in box by using Dshop item (forgot the name) to make them tradable.
7. Remove the attendance event to avoid abuse, besides all are now farmable and tradable, remove also the extra reward that 3 items like Time,Monsters, and item required thing, its not needed anymore.
8. make starting level at 131 and remove the runes, only Xp booster to make players familiar of their hero and skills and maps and places to farm.
9.Any other suggestion please post below. Thanks Jans!!!
my comments:
#2. it would be good, but i'd like really to penalized someone who got PKed to walk back to that spot again and call his/her guild to assist, this is how the game was used to be. KOS should served its purpose. maybe teleportation things in dshop can teleport to maps main places only not everywhere in the map.
#3. yeah res ability are their ability but i was talking about that item that could ressurect segs many times without walking back to the spot the name of the item is REDEMPTION SEEDS... This seed should be removed.
#4. The random platinum bullion may range from 100m to 10b in this manner many will purchase dekaron coin to be lucky, and this would avoid people buying dils outside the game and some are illegal.
#8. Starting in 131 is i think fair enough if the runes will be removed and only xp boost like 150% 200% 500% will be usable of course purchasable only in Dshop, in this manner 131 levels will slowly level towards 170s by that time they will be knowledgable of their hero and skills.
another suggestion in addition to the suggested items on top.
9. Make something like guild camp in ardeca where guildess can meet each other, grow their camp the guild will have a store that sells guild members items, pots, portals, building like houses of members and of course the main part the throne, in weekly basis this throne can be attacked by other guild or raid, and can get quiet amount of dils once the throne is captured, and lastly please if the game can do it please make the sunwukong the last OP costume, the MWR MDN Perp the last OP ring and necks, the Perfect spell dragon the last OP earing. the DK red wing the last OP wing, the papaya belt armlet and wed armlet belt the last OP belt and armlet, the available pets no more new pets pls, and the emblem. after we have all the last items, now people can focus on building their guild camps and guard them against attackers, and aside from that guild members need to kill some boss and earn or collect dils or token to have authority to attack other guild camps, and this boss is only visible like once or twice a day the guild that gets the kill will receive a token that gives them authority to declare a raid or an attack to another guild camp w/c of course will be fortified by the other guild members, and by killing the boss this means everyone will try to make the last hit while others are being pked to avoid them from killing the boss... it sure sounds fun... once the last OP items are declared last then all have opportunity to use their skill and intellect in doing combo and not just going IMBALANCE due to imba item in dshops..