Overall state of the game.

TimecodeSummyTimecodeSummy Posts: 18Approved Member Beginner
So I stopped playing Dekaron about 2 years ago, and since Papaya took over I've been back for about 3 weeks total and I will be leaving again after this post, would like to give you my opinion and feedback.

So the game itself has been carried for the past several years with companies just hosting events to make a fast buck, in return they make the events a must not miss with some new item that is a MUST ( most of the time) this keeps people interested and makes them not want to miss these events, thats great for the people still playing but is this really enough??

The issue or the lack of interest as I see it, would be from the fact that if you don't have certain items, your character is pretty much obsolete, when it comes to pvp, Which is a big part of the game, and personally why I love Dekaron so much.

The new gear in addition to rare holiday items, make it so much more difficult for new, and old returning players to catch up, its a complete turn off and on top of this I feel that the PVP system is less skill based and more gear based, which to myself again is a turn off.

I really wish Nexon had taken the chance to modify the game a bit, but I'm guessing you and Nexon are merely hosts to the game, and have no intentions of majorly modifying the game to a more fun feeling, enjoyable game.

If however you do actually take my feedback and implement some changes please feel free to email me on my email connect to this account and I will check it out.

I can't speak for the majority of players, this is just my opinion, I know some people will be fore and against the several topics I just mentioned, but I just wanted to let you know how I feel this game is summed up.

Anyway thankyou for reading this post and I hope you look after the game better than Nexon)

Shout out to the GM's by the way, Veronica and Gizmo met you guys several times, you're both very cool and friendly people.

Peace out!!!!!


  • Rasierer1989Rasierer1989 Posts: 2Approved Member Beginner
    Hello out there :-)

    i was playing 2Moons back these days when it was released with just two servers. I can remember one was mainly american and another one was mainly european. We really enjoyed the game for about 5 years. The fun part of the game was building your character - like a plant from seed. It took a lot of time and focus on detail about your stats/skills. Yes, it was stats and skills when people where declared as champs ingame. The Game had quite a few bugs you have learned to live with, but there were some updates and after some time it became Dekaron. I still remember the time.

    Yesterday however, I and a friend talked about these days and we decided to give it a try again just for fun, mabe for playing it for a certain time on a weekly base again.
    After reaching Level 75 after only 3 hours of gameplay we initially launched the uninstall button and decided to not play it anymore. We still can not believe that this game is so fucked up now. It feels like playing on a private server back in 2012. I mean, what is the sense of playing this game for a few days reaching maximum level and just being able to buy Cashshop Items then? Why not directly beginning with Level 200?
    Of course the old game was sometimes quite frustrating, when people had to run and run and run all over again to Draco Desert just to reach a new Level.... But that was the games essence. The top position was not ment to be held by all players. It was intended for those who invested time.

    And seeing still the Bugs from day ONE ingame makes me feel, that every kind of support is led into Cashshops or stuff no one is interested. Sadly the game became what private servers where a few years ago.

    Its such a sad situation about what Dekaron became, that i could not believe that this is the real Dekaron.
    I was hoping and searching for 2moons, having in mind hopefully the US would still have a playable Client - but no succes. So the game is basically ruined. It was the best, meaning its handling, the odd graphics, playing system, pvp system....
    I hope others will see this as well. Even Dekaron 2 was stopped being developed, that might have been an opportunity. But, it is as it is. Since i believe no one, with a function in the system, is interested in the future, i think it is now time to say good bye for the Game - forever. I believe there will be just releases of newer korean contents without fixing bugs from day one, and companies, one by one, will only be interested in making money with new odd cashshop items unbalancing the game.

    They should have brought back 2Moons with slight differences.
  • TheMaster313TheMaster313 Posts: 40Approved Member Beginner
    edited July 2016
    While I agree with both of you @Rasierer1989 @TimecodeSummy

    There certain thing I disagree with you on.

    It's only geared based on those who don't have the best gear available at that current level range, then its purely on skill. Another player in game, SentoKenshi (something similar to this anyways), a 149DKSQ player has basically the same set and weap as me (subbed out my TB for his Staff) and earlier today we literally had between 6-12min fights. It was intense and extremely fun [for those that care it ended 5-4 to me].
    I will highlight your point of these event items - I've been calling for them to permantly obtainable in game since GH, which Papaya can and will monetarily gain from; Halloween Ring, Anno Novus, Sealed Spell Dragon (and subsequent upgrades). They take a high amount of seed of dreams to upgrade - Which is great, its farmable in game and those impatient players can jus buy them or even those close to finishing a ring can purchase, should they wish. (Which is kinda what should happen overall IMO)

    To be nostalgic is to be human, yes during pre A7 times, It was epic to have the slower lvling base due to a much higher player base and instances being regularly run. However, this game has been goin on for at least 9 years (going back to when I first joined, 9 years ago, Act6) And just before A7 came in (what i feel that started the entire fast lvling empire we're on now) I hit 150ish (what ever lvl maxed soul link is) which isnt anything special, so had I kept that very first summy, he would be in the late 180s if not 190s by now under the old school exp system. So it would be old players>new players, solely based on lvl alone the misses/blocks/guards/crits So this rules out (on a very, very small notch in the) old players>new players thru lvl difference (pvp any1 10 or higher lvls its a sham sub-160).
    Just to add, after you hit 180, lvling takes a hardnose dive, reminisent of old school lvling with a slight boost (no talis, runes) from base exp/content + the grind from 191+ is pretty epic. Ive been 191 since the switch over, Ive had WM/explorer rune active while Ive been farming for perp (and drop ammy - which gives increased base exp) and Ive gained 39.97% in the last month or so. SO the grind is there, just depends where you look for it.

    It sucks to see players leave, but I understand why you chose to do so.

    TL;DR   It's a rush to get gear, then all on skill. Once you hit 180 without runes its a grindfest with a side of salted slogs.

    Image result for the master dr who
  • RhaellasRhaellas Posts: 96Approved Member Beginner
    It has taken me a over a year to get 1/2 way from 194 to 194 and 70%  ( semi hard grinding off and on, not constant though). That's with runes and a 50% 60 day amulet.  That's how hard of a nose dive exp goes.

    To me though, a game does need change to keep up with the times, and to keep things interesting. 

    I do get some of the points,  but  there is still so much to do (like that ever elusive perpetuus) And getting now, the meisters (which seems really hard, but over time, mine are slowly getting there. 
     And to me there should and can be *old school style* fighting,  If you play pvp fighting with "old school rules"   No extra buffs, candys, etc.  And just some good ol' basic +9 gear allowed 'only' sort of thing. Idk...  good old "best in your class" style without all the "extras"   Just to have that kind of fun..

    But there has been too so  overpowered items added, strictly to cash, or almost strictly,  to where, they should all be made farmable somehow, (or equivalent items at least),somewhere to balance things out a little.  Maybe not all, but a lot could be done there.
    And adding things like that in a way the Game host will not lose, because of items in cash shop (such as seeds) and more being bought in the meantime. 

    A lot of daily(s) could be added.  to give non premium players a chance to get more premium content (such as IB 2 -(which is still missing)  like was done for honeymoon, also missing)  And maybe a quest where you can get a box of 5 seeds.  I mean really, there can be premium content, with making some availability for premium content to be *farmable (not easy of course, like the perp)  But farmable.

    Everyone wants that good gear though, there should be some kind of balance.  And there still can be

    I'm with @TheMaster313  I hate to see anyone leave (have seen a lot).  For the love of this 'good ol' game,   I hope it stays, and I have faith it can,  and will find a way to stay.  Hope old players return too.

    I have played other things,  and there is just something about Dekaron...  =)
  • berzurcusberzurcus Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    edited July 2016
    Very interesting discussions in here. I'm glad to see people chiming in with their well thought out opinions instead of flaming each other like on Nexon forums.

    I have to agree with some of the points made before me. Times are changing, and at the end of the day the publisher is a company made up of people trying to make a living. They can't just cater to the ultra old-school hardcore mmorpg players. They have to keep up with the overall market trend to be able to stay afloat.
    That being said, very few people this day and age want to spend months/years to reach max level. Sure there is a niche playerbase who enjoys oldschool hardcore gameplay (like grinding for hours to develop character) but its such a small subset that game developers can't afford to cater to alone.

    There should be a good balance between giving the old school players what they want and attracting new age players. Keep in mind a lot of games are having trouble doing this a good example: World of Warcraft has been fighting this issue for years now.

    I don't have much to say about the PVP aspect because I havn't pvped since 2moons days. But I definitely if you can buy some kind of powerup in the shop, then that same powerup should be obtainable in game without real life currency (but it should be hard to get).

    The last thing I want to say is that the reason I always quit playing Dekaron after a while of playing is that there was hardly any content updates with Nexon. I hope to see more content updates with Papaya. And by content I don't mean events... I mean actual content: new zones, new armors/weapons, new dungeons, new pets and mounts, new cities, new game systems, updated graphics, updated engines etc... Maybe my hopes are too high, but fingers crossed.
  • PappyPlayPappyPlay Posts: 293Approved Member Intermediate
    I agree with the general theme of the discussions in this thread.  Succinctly, if you want "instant power", you "pay the price".  Otherwise, if you're willing to put in the work and grind for a good long time, you can "earn" that same power level.

    Another game I'm trying works exactly that way, and it's one of the more highly heralded games currently. (WarFrame)
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