Some Ideas To Balance The Game

black3light3black3light3 Posts: 43Approved Member Beginner
Dear Community,

I quit the game for quite some time due to the lack of skills in this game.
It's a fact, it doesn't matter if you have skills or not. Just use Rayne & those OP no recoil weapons and you're good to go.
It's sad to see nearly all the community now either using OP skins or OP weapons and that led me to think HOW to balance the game between the skilled players and the '' just OP stuff players ''.

All the skins in the game give you an advantage over your opponent with nearly no disadvantage at all so how about applying some disadvantage that balances it

Advantages Of :

 Rayne : It's fast and most annoyingly you can't hear her footstep easily. How to balance it?
 - You can't equip armor 
 - You can't use any additional
HP ( The 2 HP Gears )

In Conclusion, Rayne can run fast and you can't hear her easily, BUT she is weak (you can kill her fast).
Can Be Applied to Nina as well

UDT : So tanky, doesn't die with grenades, and he moves faster with SMG. How to balance it?
  - You should be slower than other players
  - You can still move faster with SMG, BUT you can't use Tactic Package for your SMG (Recoil Reduction). Therefore, the SMG you're using will be harder to control.

Isabelle : Can carry multi-weapon with magazine extension 2 , Run faster than default skin, and hard to hit. How to balance it?
  - You can't equip any armor 

Mantis : you can shoot while moving with sniper and it's still accurate. How to balance it?
  - You Can't Equipe a sniper armor ( Armor 4 & Armor 6 ) because In Sniper Only Match He Is a disaster

SWAT : So Tanky, and gets a lot Of helmets. How To Balance it ?
 - Just Slower His Movement

I'll be making another post for the op weapons later on.

Best Regards,
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)    
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  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    Like the idea man.
    I hope this will be implemented soon.
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    I think this is the best suggestion so far is this forum man very good job
  • WaftrueWaftrue Posts: 18Approved Member Beginner

    I really like your suggestions and totally agree that Mantis with all that armor in Sniper only matches is a disaster.

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