Bring back the B Coins

Would very much appreciate that the B coins are brought back. I think it was 75 coins for winning and 25 for losing in colosseum. As of now getting medals is going slow, sometimes it's completely dead and doesn't start. So by bringing B coins back it'll create another way to get medals. (Also useful to exchange to c coins which you can buy colo belts etc.) I'm bringing this up because I'm farming that bs Red Phoenix mount that will cost me 4K medals zzzz. Been doing colosseum as much as I can but sometimes it really is just completely dead. If anyone is curious, got 600 medals since 2 weeks ago. Made 120 medals in couple of hours the first day I first started to farm... But since then things been going slow.
Lol this is a long ass post.. Well just a suggestion. Or lower the medals required for mount to 2k. Please?
Lol this is a long ass post.. Well just a suggestion. Or lower the medals required for mount to 2k. Please?