
Channel: kalibus
Map: Parca temple - Chamber of ice
Date and time: 2016-10-13 18h 01m 56s
Afk mage hacker name: obsi

Was spawning hundreds of ice giants and akrises...

Ingame name: Soulgazer



  • mendiola23mendiola23 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    hello sir/maam i'm asking for my account in Blackshot, why i'm ban? i'm not a hacker, i'm going to play my own skill. i'm buying Gem to get any weapon to use, this account is in my college days but now how come i'm ban? please return it please..... 

  • gosueggrollsgosueggrolls Posts: 0Member Beginner
    sir one hacker using teleport in game n his name is xYangg_ ,pls take care about this ,this is not fair to other player. TQ
  • dollolasa101dollolasa101 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Warrock player boosing there account in odyssey
    pls banned them [HGM]Legendary
    THANK YOU :>
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