Timed D shop item that can unbind binded emblems and rings.

Would be good if we have a web shop d shop items that can unbind dragon emblem and perp etc. I think it would benefit majority of people that have multiple perps and emblems. Also for characters that wanted to switch perp like summoners and cs. Just a thought.


  • [DK]Gismo[DK]Gismo Posts: 240Approved Member Trainee
    I could see a form of case for a character to character bind exchange of some type. But an account to account one might be more difficult/ non optimal. 

    It's something I may look into after the action and dragon project are completed.

    I'm up for players discussing methods.
  • KleptoManiaKleptoMania Posts: 155Member Trainee
    Do what you can gm Gismo. I'm pretty sure it's something that the dekaron community and the company can benefit into. Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.
  • [DK]Gismo[DK]Gismo Posts: 240Approved Member Trainee
    I'm up for discussing it now on the forums to vet out the ideas on what might be the best solution.
    Please post your methods and detailed thoughts people can openly discuss.
  • KleptoManiaKleptoMania Posts: 155Member Trainee
    Was think of more timed d shop that will unbind and can be transferable from another account. I know you mentioned that would be kind of difficult but it's still possible right? There are plenty of players here that opened gold and plat boxes got multiple perpetuus and dragon emeblems. Those were money spent and they should be at least considered to be transferable.
  • [DK]Gismo[DK]Gismo Posts: 240Approved Member Trainee
    I could see a system that would allow binded items to go from one character to another on a single account. The way I would propose this is a special storage slot that would be purchased. This would added the ability to the account.

    Now for an account to account system, that we have in-game with the sealing powders. I think its a  matter of discussing what items players might want added to the list of sealable things. but also thinking about what pros and cons to each specific item there might be if it was added to the sealing list.
  • MtforumMtforum Posts: 32Approved Member Beginner
    To make items tradable would ease alot of things. As mentioned above perpetuus boxes and emblems cost some people alot of money to get. I've seen one guy obtain 6-7 dragon emblems (i assumed he wanted to get perpetuus) and what now, he got no use of the 6 remaining ones that he obtained. And I think that if there are more items for sale the market would benefit from that. 

    Another thing that I myself would like to see is to unbind the costume and wings boxes, this has been brought up several times. Some people maybe doesn't want to spend alot of time just to farm one single item in the dungeon and there is always a scenario where you get for example, a sealed spell dragon from horror honeymoon dungeon when you actually was farming a costume. And that too, unbind the spell dragons would be nice. Me myself have like 20 spell dragons which are completly useless when I already have 2x perfect ones. On the side note, I'm farming spell dragon for my other character and it never really drops but my main character drops it plenty of times. Nice situation right. 

    For higher lvl players that wants to make dil, there aren't that many choices. Karon fire pot for meister books, making gear to sell etc. If the boxes you get from dungeons can be unbinded then I think several players would do more dungeon runs just to make some dil. 

    One last thing I want to unbind, Blue dk wings. I mean if the Red dk wings are tradable why shouldn't the Blue wings be tradable? 

    ur welcome nub klepto
  • dekaronjakedekaronjake Posts: 8Member Beginner
    yes indeed my friends this is what im talking about people are spending real money in game but some items are not usefull anymore ,they wanted to trade it for something  if this game is called bussiness now ill ask where is the costumer rights? isnt it our suggestions which make our people here stay active in this game and more real money to come in d shop
  • kotorlivekotorlive Posts: 16Approved Member Beginner
    I would love to see an account sharing function. Trading binding items between your characters on the same account should be implemented.
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