Alternative to a total reset

abelwongabelwong Posts: 1Member Beginner
A total reset discourage to many old player from OGP.
I can understand the technical difficulty to restore all details of all player.

How about that? I suggest papaya to recover those old characters(toons)'s with his skills with skill level only.
I can accept loss of money, items, ship, but skills takes us years to train up.

Does it sounds reasonable for both papaya's interest and player's motivation to continue?

Best Regards,


  • KainDeKuriKainDeKuri Posts: 0Member Beginner
    In my case I'd give everything to recover my items, ship, quarters/vault space and discos.
    I think everybody has its own priorities.

    Also, what I've heard is that it was OGP the one who refused to sell our previous data to Papaya, but who knows...
  • kadamskadams Posts: 59Member Beginner
    There's so many reasons not to believe OGP refused, but if it's true they had the right to withhold our characters then the blame has to be on Koei for making such a contract with OGP. If we don't actually own our characters, the hosting company should never be allowed to own any part of the game. They make it available and hopefully make a profit hosting it, but it's not their game - if they were allowed to put future profits at risk, I definitely blame Koei.

    But I agree - if I still had my stuff, but had to grind before I'd be able to use most if it, I could make long term plans to be playing next year, the year after, and as long as they game was available. As it is I'm the only 1 of 4 I know still playing and I don't think even the return of stuff would convince them to come back. Fortunately we never really sailed together so it's no lonelier than it was before.

    We loved the game, but I understand why adventurers don't want to redo 2k+ quests and maps again. I'm mostly merchant and as painful as it is to grind again, it's what we greedy merchants do best.
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