Henry Morgan story.

Blackpearl1981Blackpearl1981 Posts: 2Member Beginner
Henry Morgan story.

country of pirate

from Santo Domingo maritime guild

English language


from Santo Domingo maritime guild

1. Nassau underling pirate 2 
(non-entry into port bribe 1M need pirate) 
2. darkness merchant 2 
3. Jamaica sailing office official 2
request from the Port Roya


from Santo Domingo maritime guild

English language

Reward: 1050000

1. Port Royal mansion governor and Morgan 
2. skilled sailors (next to the departure station official) 
3. Grand Cayman west, desertion prisoners (12928,3993) 
Combat armor Ship of the line one ship

Governor-General of the plan


from Santo Domingo maritime guild

English language

Reward: 2,060,000

1. Port Royal tavern master 
2. Cowen and Barry (shipyard horizontal) 
3. Havana northern silver transport ship (12986,3805) 
4. Port Royal Governor
Gold smuggling ship attack plan


from Santo Domingo maritime guild

English language

Reward: 1,040,000

1. Havana northern transport ship (12986,3805) 
2. Havana Morgan 
3. Maracaibo northern gold transport ship (13174,4380) 
4. Maracaibo Morgan 
5. Maracaibo northern Barry (13190,4360) 
6. Port Royal center of the mansion Morgan 
7. Port Royal center of the mansion Cowen
world where pirates live


English language

london maritime guild

Reward: 2,380,000 

1. London- Duckett  
2. Port Royal shipyard master 
3. Port Royal sailed office official 
4. Trujillo northwest legitimate Buccaneer squad 
(12604,3937) Combat 
5. Port Royal Morgan
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