Possibility of recovering account

rickyweerickywee Posts: 1Member Beginner
This account has violated the user agreement back  when it is still under PlayOne.asia, is there any way of recovering the account? a.k.a unbanning. i fully understand the consequences of violating the user agreement and won't b1tch about it, but if there is a chance of recovery, i'll take it. Thanks for your time.


  • GMALEXAGMALEXA Posts: 230Unconfirmed Trainee
    Hello rickywee,

    We regret to inform you that if you were banned back in PlayOne we are unable to assist you any further. If you would still like to be a part of this community please create a new account for a new chance at being clean.

    If you have any other questions do not hesitate contacting us. Have a nice day and have fun in game! 

  • nocool33nocool33 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    will our account which is being terminated in papayaplay can be recovering

  • GMALEXAGMALEXA Posts: 230Unconfirmed Trainee
    Hello nocool33,

    What are you asking? I am unsure on how to answer you.

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