GM, please bring back the milk and cookies on past christmas event!

shebal360shebal360 Posts: 77Approved Member Beginner
another new costumes and wings...

alot of you do i know is hoping for milk and cookies event for miesters book,like the past christmas event that event was the best ever event on dekaron history,ive seen alot of returnee and new to the game as in zero knowledge,i was thinking they will have the chance to farm having them to sell like cookies,milk,or miester skill book to make some profit to start their dekaron journey.,and most importatnt leveling their miester's skills, especially step 2 which is very costly and very hard to get,nevertheless you spam dshop to max it out instantaneously., and how about the low,moderate spender!? endless farming!? make it atlist enjoyable while farming.

i was hoping to bring back the past christmas event right after this new christmas event ended.
hoping for all players support and the dekaron team.

to dekaron team milk and cookies for miester book revamp please bring it back!!!
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