How is class balance in this version?

RengekiRengeki Posts: 0Member Beginner
I haven't played in years, not since back when this game was still with OGP around 2013, and I started my first character in 2008. Didn't even know about OGP closing down until a few hours ago (RIP, game company that took up my angsty teenage years), but here I am now that I got a wave of nostalgia earlier today.

However, it's been a long time. How is class balance in this game? I looked on the wiki and noticed a... significantly larger class choice than what I remember last I played. 

I was thinking of remaking my old character, an Engineer/Meister, but I'm wondering if that's still viable endgame compared to some of these new, fancier looking classes? I also heard something about some sort of Demigod class that sounded cool, but I haven't looked up the prerequisite starting class/any completion that needs to get done for it, though I've heard it's tough. 
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