TFM Hunting does not giveout 500% bonus

sebastionwwm96sebastionwwm96 Posts: 1Member Beginner
edited March 2018 Community
On the latest patch of Blackshot SEA, it is stated that TFM Hunting will be giving out 500% bonus on the end of each round. However after playing it for a few rounds. I noticed no extra points are given out at the end of each match. Please look into this issue. Thank You


  • MrAntsGameMasterMrAntsGameMaster Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
    Dear user,

    We sincerely apologize our late reply due to heavy influx of inquiries.

    We have already fixed the issue for the bonus as the bonus of 500% reward is for end of each game when you get your BP and EXP.

    If you have any other issue or question feel free to contact us either by Support ticket or visit our discord to ask for help.

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