Noob Questions - 1st Upgrade/Skills & Crafting/Monster Loot

mitaraimitarai Posts: 1Member Beginner
Hiya! I'm super new to this game and I have a few questions. I'm playing the client version that is separate from the LaTale that can be acquired through Steam, if that makes any difference.

1. I'm a Knight lvl 59 now, which means I can do my first class upgrade, I think it's called. I'm interested in Templar. Will upgrading cause me to lose all of the basic Knuckles/Longsword/Mace/Knight skills that I have spent my points on up until now? Will they be converted automatically to Templar skills? Is it a good idea to do a Skill Reset before upgrading so that I have points available to distribute to each new Templar skill, or will any points I've earned prior to upgrading be lost completely? Basically, what happens during this process?
2. My "Other" Items tab has filled up multiple times from fighting a ton of monsters. Aside from putting some in the Item Codex, I was wondering what these drops can be used for. Is it just junk I should be selling, or is there any of it I should hold on to? I've tried going to Crafting, but even the items that say they're for Crafting can't be found in any of my recipes (except for Shards). 
3. Also! Under the "Event" Items tab, I could use some help figuring out the uses/purposes of some items. Like, I think I had one that was literally just a Leaf and another that was a Moul-Moul Balloon. I am not sure where I got them, unless they were extras from quests I completed early on... You know, the kind where you have to get 5 of a certain item from a certain monster and then turn it in. What should I do for extras like those, or are they not extras? Do I need to hang on to them too for some upcoming quest?

Thank you so much for your help. :)


  • BlueOGBlueOG Posts: 16Member Beginner
    1. Upgrading will not cause you to lose skill points. They will just be reset and you get all your points back. You never lose skill points for anything. They will not be converted to anything its like a blank slate. So if you're like lvl 60 and have about 60+ skill points, when you reset you get all those points back. You dont have to do a Skill Reset it will do it for you. 

    2. Usually its mostly junk. I would sell them if they aren't codex. But things like shards and stuff you might wanna keep for later on. But if you have too many of a certain shard the sell some. A lot of the stuff that says for crafting you wont even need so I wouldn't worry about it. Crafting costs money and you also have to level up you craft by using ely before you can craft certain things. 

    3. Stuff like that leaf and moul-moul balloon are extras from your quests, you don't need those. You can tell because right under the name of those things it will say [Quest]. 

    4. There is a "Help" button on the bottom right (in the game) right next to the menu button. You should check that out it has a lot of useful information.
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