Thinking about saving quests for 200+ lvls

MaxWolftailMaxWolftail Posts: 1Member Beginner
Before going on id like to state that i cant fund my characters in any way besides with what the character acquires by it self. So i cant really pop loads of super exp boosts or provide my self with epic gear (other than lvl up gear), at least not right away.

I was thinking about grinding from lvl 1-200 (or at least to 170 or anywhere else where it start to feel it becomes " unbearable " ) and then finishing all quests with the 30day double quest reward buff in order to get up to the lvl cap.

Is this a good idea?
Will it work? 
Is the grinding needed?
Could get the same result if i use the 30 day double quest exp boost from lvl 2?


  • PineapplecakesPineapplecakes Posts: 66Member Beginner
    I think you would get the most out of the booster if it was used right away. The EXP requirements jump up really fast at higher levels and quest rewards eventually start to fall behind. But on the bright side, pacing in the early game can be very smooth with the quest boost.

    After a while its also a good idea to begin checking out bars or taverns for any Daily quests that you might want to try since they can encourage people to visit places that are out of the way.

    Completing quests after level 200 is not very effective, as far as I know.
  • PineapplecakesPineapplecakes Posts: 66Member Beginner
    Unless maybe if we count Sky Coliseum grind..
  • chronofoxchronofox Posts: 72Member Beginner
    Ya thats something i never got why are the quest from 200+ pointless they give all most nothing in terms of exp making buying or even useing the 30 day 100% quest exp or any quest exp pointless.

    it makes u wounder if 200+ was just rushed with out really thinking how the quest have no effect at all to help u lv.

    And at 200 + it becomes very pay to get by if u are tring to lv with out 888 or 1k exp good luck on getting anywhere any time soon.

    i wont even start on the pay to get any good % stats so u can  even get by  .
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