First Character Quests

ArikisakiArikisaki Posts: 1Member Beginner
So made my first character a couple of days ago and eventually got it to around lvl 140 and ended off at Toad Town.

I then decided to make a new character and noticed that the amount of quests that the game gave out was much lower than when I played on my first character resulting in slower leveling. (Was around level 120 in Atlantis with first char and now am just barely over level 100 with my second)

Was there some kind of boost that came along with the first character created that I didn't know about? Sorry if this sounds incredibly dumb.


  • CatOfAppleCatOfApple Posts: 4Member Beginner
    So what are your first and second class?
    Some class like monk is skip some low level which is from level 1.
    Are you sure you are not use Quest exp booster item?
    Are you sure you done quest times is same?

    Sorry for bad english.
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