Does PapayaPlay Actually Listen to Players?

fluffierfluffier Posts: 1Member Beginner
We know that NetMarble and OGP never gave a toss about the players and their thoughts so just wondering if Papaya do?  Is this another File in Bin area just like OGP's and NM's suggestion forum?


  • schro69schro69 Posts: 37Member Beginner
    I'm a newer player so maybe it's not my place to comment, but here is my observation: Papaya does not seem to be very active in the forums, but they do seem to be releasing new content, tickets, events and updating this website quite frequently.
    “The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in.” - Charles F. Glassman
  • ChubbnuggetChubbnugget Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I am a player who has lurked since Netmarbles Beta and I am familiar with the patterns at this point. Papaya isn't that much different they are however releasing some major changes which could be enough to save the game? other than that communication seems about the same as late OGP.
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