[NOTICE] Community Representative Review - Session 3

[LT]Eris[LT]Eris Posts: 109LT GM Trainee
Dear Players,

Session 3 is coming to a close on the day of May 21. A huge thank you to our wonderful team of CRs: ilianna, Malbard, MarySama, Raymond, SuperMelee, and Tanukiyasha. They have dedicated their time and energy into improving the game, and we hope that they were able to make your voices heard.

We invite you to leave any feedback you have in our review at the following link, open until May 21, 2018 at 23:59 CEST:

Your feedback will help us improve the program as a whole going into the future. Your identity will remain anonymous, and your comments will be shared with the CRs both as a team and as individuals.

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