Way of Improving Competitive Mode

G_OUT5D1426077587YJPG_OUT5D1426077587YJP Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
Hello Everyone,
Competitive mode brought Blackshot to a very next level and its really good to see all the players competing with each others and striving to get to the top.
But still there are some suggestion which I would like to give which could improve the way competitive mode works.
I know that it is impossible to keep the game clean completely, but there are possible ways to reduce its effects.
We all have experienced some hackers in competitive mode and the problem is that these hackers just make up team , and play together so that their team could be really tough and difficult to defeat.
Same goes to very clean and pro players team, if they are the strongest 5, they keep winning.
My suggestion is that there should not be an option to make squad in competitive and each player should start the match in solo.
This is the way a real competitive mode there will be , because everything will be totally random and the players would be having the real challenge to face, the single hacker could be kicked easily because he would not be with his squad so that no one will press f12 for him. And the really clean and good players will face the real challenge in competitive mode.
That's the smallest contribution of mine for suggestion to competitive mode, just give me feedback about this idea how you liked it.


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