What does silencer do on rifles?

jeffery50jeffery50 Posts: 13Member Beginner
Hi, i have been wondering the whole time about the function of silencer. I know that it reduces the sound of the gun but does it reduce the damage of the gun when equipped?  And does it reduce recoil of a gun? Thank you.


  • AFUBARGameMastersAFUBARGameMasters Posts: 127Member Master

    Well silencers are meant to hide your location from the minimap if you shoot it. 
    Usually when a player fires his weapon, the minimap will show the last location of that player.
    Silencers will hide that.

  • jeffery50jeffery50 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Yes, I know that silencers hide our location but is that it's only function? Because people have been saying that silencers does not reduce a rifle damage and it only reduces sound and recoil. I just want to clarify this and know if it is true or not. Thank you. 
  • AFUBARGameMastersAFUBARGameMasters Posts: 127Member Master

    Nah it doesn't really actually change any recoil. It just reduce the sound and hides yourself from the minimap. That is all.

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