[LOG] 2018-06-20 Scheduled Maintenance [23:00 CEST]

[LT]Eris[LT]Eris Posts: 109LT GM Trainee
[Scheduled] Server Maintenance on June 20, 2018 at 23:00 CEST [14:00 PDT, 17:00 EDT]

The following content has been adjusted:
- Wandering Fim event monster balance
Enraged Fim attack power was higher than intended. Its attack power has been reduced significantly.
Wandering Fim HP pool was higher than intended. Its HP pool has been reduced significantly.

Known issues:
- Miscategorization of certain new monsters in Monster Codex system.
- Collision error in Solar Temple.
- Animation error on Swordian class when using Sit skill with Sentry, Synthetic Will equipped.
- Automatic login gifts not appearing as intended after exactly the specified playtime duration.
- Killing certain monsters with certain skills does not award drops as intended.
- Automatic Looting skill may not work as intended if disabled or enabled while being hit by enemies.
- Buddy chat may not appear correctly under certain conditions.
- Character may move faster than intended under certain conditions.
- Soul Breaker scenario storyline is untranslated. Developers no longer have the resources to adjust this content in the game. It will remain in the original Korean language.
- New fashion items introduced in Lumen Pt. 2 patch cannot be registered in Auction House.
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