This game seems like it's run by 12 year old boys.

Deadliftdaddy613Deadliftdaddy613 Posts: 3Member Beginner
Alright so I know people have been saying that this game has been "dying" since Action 3 (Anyone who was around at the time will remember all the Acclaim hatred). However after trying this game out yesterday for the first time in several years there are many things OBJECTIVELY wrong with it now that do not having to do with my personal opinion that would seem like easy fixes if whoever was responsible for it was remotely competent and cared.

1 - Spelling, grammar and formatting mistakes everywhere.

I was shocked to see that even on the character creation screen, which is the first thing new members see when they download the game - there are tonnes of obvious mistakes with punctuation and grammar that are easily noticed by any native English speaker with a middle school education. Also the fact that for some reason they can't make sure that the text actually fits in the provided box...Like what? Can you not just click "Wrap text" to have it fit instead of just letting it overlap or get cut off half way through a word? Take some pride in your work. Having the whole game professionally proof-read would be extremely inexpensive.

2 - Catering to players desire for instant gratification.

Leveling is so easy that it's completely meaningless, Being high level is meaningless if everyone else is high level too. Yes of course everyone always fantasized about being high level and being able to destroy everyone, but it was only fun because if you worked hard enough you could be better than others. Now you just have to pay money, has nothing to do with how hard you work or the journey it took to get there. Half the games perfectly good and fun content has become irrelevant like all low level gear (Why is it even in the game if you'd never even get a chance to use it? That's just sloppy.) Low level areas, the old dungeons you'd use to get from level 25-40,50-80 and 90-115 are all pointless if they're even there anymore.

3 - Only 3 playable servers VS 12 during action 5 which indicates population has gone way down.

This one is a bit more subjective but you would think that they'd catch on that the more of this crap they change about the game the worse it does. Would anyone actually be upset if they just rolled the whole game back to somewhere between action 3 and 6 when it was fully balanced and well populated? They seem to treat the game like their own private server and just do whatever they want for the purpose of fulfilling the players desire for instant gratification without actually thinking about the way it affects the structure and integrity of the game.

Anyway rant over. 
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