Automatic aide destinations

FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
It would be nice to not only have your aide follow u anywhere you go.
Beside the existing aidefleet system it would also be nice to have your aides sail to your colony for example. Now I often have to choose what I will do / day. Head for a spice run or go assist in the colony. 
Since my playtime is somehow limitted I am never able to do them both.

In this case you make a choice  between:
1. Heading to EA with your entire fleet and get a bigger cargo of spices (since you brought your aides ships with u)
2. Do a spice run however whilst your aide will make a travel to you colony, get your rewards over there and you might even be able to let them trade goods before he heads back for the harbour fro mwhere you both left. (suggested is hometown).

How precise this would work should be wel lthought out before implemented. 

Be safe and prosper!


  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    maybe you should try using an alt
  • FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
    An alt is already owned my friend, hehe. But as you know an alt has other purposes. Btw, it wouldn't make any since when you have to play 2 accounts, one heading south, another heading east. Still the one heading for the colony will get rewards for himself, not for your main. Except for the tradeable stuff.

    Beside, once you are in trouble with one account, it is harder to focus on the other one risking it to get in trouble too.

    I rather was thinking about the possibility of sending your own merchant fleet on a mission which can be:
    - supporting the colony and pick up rewards,
    - trade a foreign city for specific goods
    - Go invest in some far away towns
    - ...
    That way you, especially when u lack time, you get the possibility to do the things you love to do rather than those who have somehow became a boring daily routine (so a must).

    But as i seth, it should be very well thought out before implementing. 

    Be safe and prosper!
  • EdgedemonEdgedemon Posts: 9Member Beginner
    this actually does not sound so bad, giving up aide captain temporally while he fulfills a mission.

    getting rewards is a little exaggerated but helping colony could work.
    give him a trade route is a spiky issue since that would mean effort free ducats into every alt in town.

    i could see the use of him making him do an errant if not a full trade route.

    i guess you could make it like aide production of sorts, get him to fill one quarters storage slot with selected cargo at a fixed rated which changes with your trade skill and the ship he has, and of course no nanban that would be OP. that way for example you could have him collect lumber for you but it would give a limited amount and not translate to cash directly. 

  • FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
    Well, I guess those things will never come...
    Be safe and prosper!
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