Server Disconnect 3 months later?

scryedscryed Posts: 4Member Beginner

I got this game 3 months ago in March and I couldn't even log in, because I got Server disconnect whenever i click log in, uninstalled cos I found no solution. Today which is 3 months later I thought maybe they fixed it, so I downloaded the game and the exact same problem persists. Does this game get any maintenance, is there a solution or are some people just unable to play at all?


  • auspexa3auspexa3 Posts: 58Approved Member Beginner
    yeah it's true, they didn't fix the error and some people are completely unable to play. using a tunneling software like wtfast or pingzapper is a temporary solution, I can play with pingzapper but I sometimes get dc'ed when I move from normal server to DK server
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