Revolution Patch Feedback.

Feedback on the Revolution Patch.

Reason being time and effort are priceless in terms of 'Gold' or 'Gem' compensation.

Tactical Gears : Putting in effort to rank up to attain gears, so to move faster, reload faster are easily obtained by newcomers who would have the same tactical gears although they have not put in the same effort as the people who have worked hard on.
Suggestion : Rank eg. Smiley: Level 1, going up to CIC Level (Highest Possible Level)? Along with the Tactic Gear 'Unlockables'

Ranks : Starting from Level 1 seems unfair for those who have worked
hard for the rank itself. Losing all the experience points and given
just a Hall of Fame.
Suggestion : Rank eg. Smiley: Level 1, going up to CIC Level (Highest Possible Level)?

Masteries : A Hall of Fame might sound pleasing however the number of Grand Masters are alittle large, as well as referring to my next point the 'Unlockables' that come along with Mastery Ranking.

Mastery Ranking : Items such as NX1, Gold Weapons, Cosmetics are worked hard for the Grand Masters, Masters of the chosen mastery weapon. If the 'Gold' is stackable for them to get the NX1 or Gold Weapons at ease, Grand Masters and Master's effort to attain the Mastery Ranks are lost.
Suggestion : Masteries to be remained, Effort and Time attaining the Masteries are not lost as well as weapons that come along with the attained Masteries.

Permanent Weapons : Although extremely overpowered, players have used their real cash to obtain an item deemed 'Limited Edition' and not sold in shops continuously, and if there is compensation, the 'Gold' would be extremely hard to decide because the item is 'Permanent'.
Suggestion : Players whom have purchased the Limited Edition Permanent Weapons which are costly, have a Nongradeable Weapon. Something that shows the cash the that players have put in has not been thrown into the drain.



  • AFUBARGameMastersAFUBARGameMasters Posts: 127Member Master

    Thank you for your honest feedback, we will take notes of it into consideration regarding your concerns.

    Thank you!
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