There should be two Latales

PineapplecakesPineapplecakes Posts: 66Member Beginner
I believe that Latale would be much better if there was a "hard" and an "easy" version.

For example in the easy version the experience to get 235 could be close to what it takes to reach level 200 instead. Then all the people who only want to play casually can still finish.

For the hard mode Latale could be like a pure farm fest. Where the first job change is at level 80 and someone said it used to take weeks or something like that. There would be no experience potions but to make up for it then the total experience could be lowered. Since it would still be harder than the casual Latale, Puzzles could become a little cheaper so that its easier for players to make good weapons.


  • wolfen25wolfen25 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    it's not realistic this game is broke and can't afford another server even if they wanted to. This idea has been shouted since OGP's most successful and glorious times (the most success from what little they had) and indifference was their only response and I assume it'll be the same from here, although I wouldn't mind seeing it, I miss season 1.
  • PineapplecakesPineapplecakes Posts: 66Member Beginner
    Do you mean broke as in something went wrong or broke as in not much funds to work with?

    For the easy version I'd imagine that the current server could be converted to fill that role pretty easy. If the only big change is for total EXP gain and then to have it keep following the Korean Latale and getting more updates and mostly keeping everything as it is. With the transcend system this could be easier to do also.

    The hard one wouldn't have to go all the way back to Season 1. Maybe just far enough that the common low level monsters are strong enough to kill people again and when it is hard to level up. Since practically nobody would be able to reach the highest level without a lot of playing, the hard server would probably not need any big updates except for events and maintenance's. So for example if the strongest instance here became Ifrit in the Library or something, we would want the EXP changed for that feat to take about 6 months to a year to achieve, as an estimate.

    Remember I would like for the hard server not to have any EXP potions. Which means that we would want the final difficulty to be somewhere between what Latale has right now and what it used to be in Season 1 for example. That way the only major  development changes to set up a hard server for the most part would mostly be adjustments to the EXP and tweaking it to fit without the use of the potions. And choosing which update from the past to use as the foundation would be important too.

    The difficulty would be very different though so it might not resemble the old game that much, it might be better to think of it as a Remaster instead. Coming from OGP, Latale did manage to keep some of the players but to get random to people to try Latale, I think it needs a change in dynamics like splitting into hard and easy modes.
  • LordAlex01LordAlex01 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    As a player from 2008, the implementation of your idea would probably be the best and most exciting thing for LaTale since second jobs were released, but sadly I doubt at this point we will ever see the english version of this game get revived. OGP began destruction of this game the moment the dart system was introduced and the fashion shop became P2W. Also, season 2 killed the exploration which in-turn killed the social aspect of your journey to the max level and made the game linear in favor of making it easier which was intended to attract more players but very much simplified it.
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