What needs to be done to BlackShot Revolution (in my opinion)

CatlikecrabCatlikecrab Posts: 2Member Beginner

Revolution has it's good sides; no pay2win, snipers feel great(they don't need to be 1hit on everywhere in the body) overall the game feels smoother... But there are a few drawbacks...

(Keep in mind, these are my personal preferences and thoughts. not saying IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS NOT ANY OTHER WAY)
Here is my ''fixlist'' for revolution. 

1. Weapon balance
1.1 Rifles
The rifle meta now is full spray with no horizontal recoil, only vertical small kick(you will see me bringing up this point a few times). This makes the gunplay feel nothing like blackshot. 

What the game used to have, was guns(at least some of them) you could not effectively spray, at least not without advanced dominator, and the rifles would kill with one shot to the head. This rewarded people with good aim(people who played the game enough to git gud). 

That meta was superior to the present meta, which is full spray, that actually loses to pistols/smg's/sg's. 

Which brings us to...
1.2 Pistols
My god... Dual glocks 0 recoil 0 spread and kill in 3-5 shots. 

This compared to old Bs, where pistols were pretty much useless, is way too drastic of a change, you need to find a good middle point between old and new. 

It should be a sub weapon, not mainhand rush weapon that destroys everything.

1.3 SMG's
Movement speed while holding SMG's is way too fast. The fire rate and damage are also superior to rifles, which makes no sense. down with the dmg(atleast), and movement speed down.

Guns should also have some sort of spray(in general). not complete vertical that does absolutely nothing, and is easily countered.

1.4 Shotguns
Close to mid range easily wins rifles. This combined with current SMG's and pistols render AR's completely useless. 

Shotguns should still remain extremely effective in short ranges, but have a big dmg drop off on mid to long distances.

1.5 Snipers
This is something that in my opinion(as mainly a sniper), you completely nailed. 

Snipers should not be 1 hit on every shot like in old Bs(arms and legs were one shot kill(not talking about finger/toe shots))

As it is now, headshots and chest shots kill effectively, and leg/arm shots deal enough dmg to be finished off with a pistol/other weapon. One thing i'd add tho, is that stomach shots also were 1 hit. 

Otherwise the feel of the snipers, the single zoom, the general way snipers work is something i recognize old bs. 

No mantis bulls***, stop when you shoot, good aimers are rewarded. Good job on this part!

1.6 Grenades
This is something else you totally nailed; Nade damage/radius. My god was it annoying when the round started and you got bombarded with plasma/flashfrag/corgi, and whoopsie daisy, half the team is gone. 

Now it has way better and forgiving blast radius, that you can still evade if quick enough, while not rendering them completely useless. Perfect balance. Good job on this!

1.7 Knives/movement
I see nothing wrong with current knife meta. As it used to be, let them get too close, get F***d by knife. Simple.

In general, Movement speeds should be lowered in every single weapon, except knives. (Gain movement advantage while risking getting caught with your pants down. Basic FPS logic. current movement speed with SMG's for example, is way too high, and you can just run and gun.

1.8 tl:dr
Nerf SMG's, SG's and pistols, 
Buff/restore AR's (1 hit headshot back and normal recoil)
Snipers should also be 1 hit to stomach, otherwise perfect at the moment.
Nerf movement speed in general, except on knives

2. Map pool
I really can't figure out the reasoning in removing most of the maps from the game. Unless it is just temporary to test the revolution patch with a few maps at first, and rolling in the rest later, then it's completely fine. 

But if you seriously are considering either removing all of the maps that are not currently playable, or having some kind of map rotation, i think you should reconsider it. 

Maps in this game is something i've always praised in BS, the SD maps in particular. With only 1 or 2 exceptions, the maps are PERFECT to play. Hopefully the full map pool is coming back soon.

3. Kits and Gear
3.1 Speed kit
This most likely splits the community in half like god damn Moses, But in my opinion, speed kit should be fully removed from the game, or atleast disabled in SD or at the very least disabled in competitive/clan wars.

It is weird to even say out loud: ''Yo bro, buy the speed kit, its pretty much like speedhack so you can rush the other team in a millisecond''. I really don't understand why this was added to the game in the 1st place (back in the day) and i still don't. Every SD game is pretty much a waiting game on which team rushes faster. Bombing and stacking a site is irrelevant when defenders rush just as hard, and gain advantage in getting to holding angles faster than light. 

Added with the current weapons balance(pistols and smg's op) the game turns in to a s***show run and gun arcade game. This is one of the biggest reasons the game, especially in SD side, feels nothing like the good old Blackshot.

3.2 Medkit
This feels like a good compromise between getting rid of heals completely and leaving premium(read op)Medkit in game. The cooldown is long enough, and you can no longer outheal guns, which is good. 

WAY better than previous version.

3.3 Steady aim
Same that applied to speedkit, applies to this. ''Hey dude, get that steady aim stuff, it's pretty much no recoil for a moment''. Like.... what??. 

Also, completely rendered useless by current meta of zero recoil SMG's and Rifles. How can you lower a non existent recoil? 

Useless add on, and should be removed.

3.4 Bomb kit
Now, i know you moved the bomb kit to passive gear, and it is fine in a way, but i still think you should bring it back to the kits. 

Here is my reasoning: 
Back in the day, you had a choice to make. Medkit, or Bombkit. Both had huge advantages, and were part of tactical play in clan wars. 
Current multi kit takes away the tactical side of kits. 
With removal of multikit, speed and aim kit, and bringing bombkit back, you would have to choose between bombkit and medkit. Especially now that bombkit is relevant, since medkit is not as op as it was. 

I think this would bring back some depth to competitive play.

3.5 Multi weapon
This is something i've always been strongly against, and will remain strongly against. 

Multi weapon takes away the base idea of team play. 

In most of, if not all FPS games, you have your team. 4, 5, 6, how ever many players, you have your designated sniper, and your designated SMG rusher dude and all the other generic ''roles'' in a team.

Having the ability to carry 2 main weapons renders this, one of the most basic things in any FPS game, completely useless

If not removed completely from the game, it should at the very least be disabled in competitive play(for obvious reasons).

3.6 tl;dr
There should only be medkit and bombkit, and you'd have to choose which one to use. No multikit, no built in ''hacks'' like ''aim kit'' and speed kit.
Multigear should be removed, or at least disabled in competitive games.

4 Competitive
Now, this is just from the season 4 beta, i have no clue what you have in store for revolution, but here are the things i'd add/change in competitive play.

4.1 Map pool
In my opinion, the competitive map pool should have pretty much every map in it. Not a few maps per mode, almost all of them. Just like in the old clan war days.

New map rotation every season is stupid. Period.

4.2 Modes
Search and destroy and TFM are the good 'ol modes we used to play in clan wars. TDM tho? Not so competitive. Ultimately the TDM maps in this game are utter garbage for competitive play. Why not just turn TFM and SD maps to TDM in comp? Would not at least be small mirrored maps with zero tactical spots, unless you count baser***ing. Either TDM be gone, or atleast make the maps more enjoyable.

4.3 Clan play
Now, i know you talked about adding implement of old CW to comp, and i don't know what it is yet, but you should have seperated solo and clan comp. Simple as that.

4.4 Misc.
In my opinion, you should not have the ability to see how much enemies have HP and what weapon they're currently holding. This gives way too much information to play with. you should communicate with your team ''I hit the guy a few times before i went down, most likely used his medkit'' etc. Seeing enemies wield a knife is a sure way to tell they are either taking a long route flank, or just running away to camp etc. No real good reason to see these infos while dead.

In addition. If the built in ''hack kits''(speed and aim) are not removed from the game, they should be disabled in competitive play along with multi weapon.

It is a long list, but it really is not that complicated. I like the way things are headed, but you can't nail everything on your 1st try.

Hopefully this message does not just get ignored by the team, and at least some of these points are taken to consideration. 

Im sure im not the only one who feels this way.

Thanks for reading.
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