Blackshot Revolution- Suggestions

ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
edited September 2018 Feedback & Suggestions
1.Give us skillfull gameplay:
-spraying whith rifles accurate in motion Is this a joke?
-smgs  whith u dont nead hands to kill got buffed and now are to mutch accurate...
-Dualglocks who should be nerfed got buffed...You should promote skillgameplay for exemple whith deagle not spaming and praying.(delete auto9,dualglocks and other unskill weapons)
-Sniper rifles are now total randomly ( its not play to win its luck to win)
-On melee games 90%of player using katana/kodatchi whos still unbalanced . I think u guys cant balance weapons like katana , kodatchi,ruyi bang , they can be op or unrealistic.Soo delete katana,kodatchi,ruyibang.
I think u guys up headshot hitboxes.Bring back old one.
2.Permanently weapons,p2w:
-Let us buy weapons for permanently
-All weapons from goldboxes etc (for example scar emas(aurum)) should be only visual change(skin)
3.Game is getting borred soo you nead to give goals for a player ( bring back weapon mastery)
4.Defalut knife and other new weapons looks awfull bring back old one 
Sorry for bad english skills.Im soo mad becouse this game have big potential.
I hope an GM gona read this.



  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello ByaLKoo,

    A huge thanks for creating this topic and sharing your improvements suggestions. We will make sure it's forwarded to be taken under consideration and we will also stick it to collect also the suggestions from the rest of our members.

    Once again a huge thanks and wish you a nice gaming weekend.

    Regards, DSH-DIABO

  • oaerisoaeris Posts: 0Member Beginner
    [First I would like to congratulate Vertigo Games along with Papaya Play for this initiative of trying to put Blackshot back in the market. You guys are doing a fantastic job!]

    Most players with negative opinions about this update have as their argument: "I play from the garena". Ok. I play since the time of Garena too. :) Let's go?!

    Okay, it's clear the game is getting fantastic. I can feel that everyone is the same, any new player who download the game will be able to play without problems. There is no more disadvantage with players who do not invest money in the game. The game is freetoplay. Everyone is equal, this is a start for a truly competitive game. There are no more appealing cash items, everyone can kill and everyone dies without problems. :)
    The game is lighter and nicer to play.
    The game needs a RENEWAL to go back to the market and attract new players.

    I came back to playing Blackshot just because of these updates and I can say one thing: I will not stop so soon!
    Now I can say: I PLAY BLACKSHOT AND I LIKE IT! <3


    I would say the game needs a newer loading screen. Need a new Layout inside the game: (in-game score, life, ammo); instead of only levels to identify the progress of the player, I believe that maybe a new patents or images would go well! Blackshot style games are interesting to have some image or story behind the players' experience!
    Lastly, by minimizing the game, music must stop! :)

    Game Staff, do not focus on negative players. Blackshot needs this change!

    Ah, I'm a Brazillian player, unfortunately... :'(

  • gamma59246gamma59246 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    1) Add maps
    2) Add weapons
    3) 21 Dual Glock is op ( with macro )
    4) PATCH THE BUG TO GET MORE POINTS, and bann bug users! competitive mode = no interest
    5) Add OS in the Head like before the revolution
    6) Add Subzero Blood at all players
    8) Add gears like the old time like : + 10HP , 5HP, run faster with rifle..
    9) Put armor 4,3,2.. And the sniper can os without armor 4, to be more expressive in our play mode
    10) A system who we can spin only with members of the clan
    Thanks to read it and please, answer us..
  • Apollo1gApollo1g Posts: 4Member Beginner
    Okay a few suggestions I recommend.

    1. Truly Perm Weapons. No more of this Degradation Because it feels the same as the old BS only it stays.

    2. Goldbox is garbage. I recommend releasing the Skins and putting level locks on them, Or you can Use the old GoldBox System since this one is like Open 30 Assassin Boxes and end up with 60 Hrs of AWP Primal and other Gold Weapons. This feels like a scam. Make it worth me spending money.

    3. The Pistols and SMG are OP. I have a Sniper and get demolished by Pistols and SMG from across the map.

    4. More gold Earning would be nice, since its the same prices to buy. So If you don't use Point 1. Then Just lower the maintenance cost to make it worth it.
  • ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
    3)Dualglocks are op even whithout macr0
    6) NO ! 
    8) All whithout premium tp1,tp2 gears
    9) NO !

  • crazymancrazyman Posts: 10Approved Member Beginner
    I came back to playing Blackshot just because of these updates and I can say one thing: I will not stop so soon!
    Now I can say: I PLAY BLACKSHOT AND I LIKE IT! It’s enjoyable
  • ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Can you guys start repairing this game?I know the vertigogames studio isnt that big like Riotgames,valve etc.But you should dont even nead our feedback to work on "Balance" in game.I really enjoy playing this game before revolution , i dont like only p2w and unbalance in older version of blackshot.I never payed on this game(but i want) and i got 2.5kd.I was happy when i heard about the revolution update.No more pay2win,rebalance that was what i expecting from Vertigogames.But im disappointed .The rebalance is a joke for me.In all fps shoters i enjoyed the most headshot mechanics, skill gameplay.I dont like what you do whith this game.I really like new characters,system of customisation character, new lost temple.
    Even perm weapon system isnt that bad.But i hate new gameplay i have 3.5 kd but its not enjoyable for me.I miss  weaponmastery,partnership.
    I know that this game can become big:
    It neads only skillfull gameplay,fixed bugs, little bit  better graphics,and some publicity.
    Fix a gameplay (true rebalance).
    Weapons for example Scar emas(old scar aurum)should be only visual change(skin)
    Bring back weapon mastery,partnership,clan wars.
    On competitive gamemode should be only enabled SD mode.
    I dont like new defalut knife look,it would be better if u change how it looks.
    For me all weapons should be enable to buy in shop whith defalut skin(whithout customisations).
    I like repair mechanics.But for me it would be better if u give us a ability to choose when we want to repair our weapons.

    What is problem whith gameplay/balance?:
    -Pistols are too strong, too unskilled ( no more spam and pray !!! PLZ)
    -Smgs are too strong, have too easy recoils,are too mutch acurate
    -Rifles are unskilled , i dont like spraying while running gameplay,
    -Sniper rifles are too random,( i dont know how to balance it , but i think all of snipers should have statistics not mutch better than AWP BLACK in older blackshot version)
    - 90% of bs users using katana/kodatchi on melee games (ruyi bang , katana,kodatchi cant be nerfed in realistic way, soo should be deleted from game/ not enabled to use on melee only gamemodes)
    -Headshots should be more rewarded
    -Smokes are useless , it should be impossible to see through the smoke.

    Good luck Verigogames ,GMs 
    I hope u are gona fix this game
  • avivakler10avivakler10 Posts: 51Approved Member Beginner
    I agree with most of your points, @ByaLKoo.
    Best regards,
  • ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
  • Juniorxl3Juniorxl3 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Boa noite, sugiro que o alcance e dano da faca se menor quando se esta abaixado, e não seja igual quando se esta em pé. o jogo tem que ser justo se o jogador esta abaixado tem que ser mais difícil ele conseguir um headshot, quando esta jogando de faca (meelly). diferente de quem joga com armas de tiro onde abaixado se tem melhor precisão.
        Por favor analizem a situação para a melhoria do nosso game
  • buhabuha Posts: 2Approved Member Beginner
    The new Blackshot Revolution is so bad thats bot bormal.
    so much players have stop playing becouse the update is soo bad and the office ask the players (Like) or (disslike) REALLY ?

    omg 33%  stop plaing BlackShot  so downt ask .

    act instead of discuss.

    bring the old BS Back and let us Pay weapons and thinks wee need playe the old Good BS ... this bs will go down becosue  more and more wil left the game .... 
    iff you will close the Bs you can forgett becosue wee was pay .. you cant change all becosue the The guidelines were different before. So you cant delite my weapons and staff ... think about that .

    if 90% of PLAYERS WILL TAKE ONE LAWYER. you would be broke because we would get the gel 70% from us monny $or€ back.

    i hope you understand that bs is really bad now .
  • deyvid772deyvid772 Posts: 12Member Beginner
    Para a revolução do blackshot. 

    Many players brasileiros não concordam com as seguintes alterações:
    * Domínio
    * Sistema de patentes
    Acreditamos que isso é uma graça do jogo. E acreditamos também, que isso tenhamos jogadores jogando o blackshot. 

    Acreditamos que as seguintes alterações devem acontecer no jogo. 
    Um competitivo justo de clãs, no qual some rules são seguidas tais quais:
    • 1 Sniper por tempo.
    • Somente ak47, que no momento é uma arma mais justa do jogo.
    • Somente engrenagens de bp. 
    • Sem kit de velocidade 
    • Medkit liberado. 
    • Sem personagens fazer compras. 
        O jogo não deve ser original, ter seu sistema de próspero e justo. 
    Os jogadores que estão aqui hoje, são os jogos mais fáceis de jogar e já são migrados para os outros jogos. 
        Precisa com caráter de urgência, voltar para a escolha das armas para fazer antes. 
    Hoje, um blackshot tem que refletir todas as alterações que realizam, ao passo que os novos jogadores, estão perdendo os jogos.

    Uma idéia para chamar novos jogadores, é financiar jogos de youtubers, para fazer o fígado do servidor de clãs, incentivar novas pessoas para baixar o jogo, os que já jogam em um servidor de clã. O blackshot precisa de marketing urgente. 

    Até a próxima. 
  • LF1984LF1984 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Good Afternoom.
    I'm a Brazillian player, and play blackshot for many years, since of time of the Garena .Blackshot have a great number of players of this country.
    I want make a sugestion.
    The sugestion is add to the shop of weapons, weapons of brazillian weapon industry like the Taurus Pistols and rifles like a Imbel Fal and most recent and modern Imbel IA2. The add os this weapons to the iventory make us very proudly.
    My best Regards from Brazil.
  • NizamiNizami Posts: 1Member Beginner

    On this letter to players YOU (VERTIGO) said:

    All weapons in BlackShot Revolution are completely permanent, and instead of timing out, will now degrade with use until they need to be repaired (this will not impact the weapon’s stats, however). This means no more lost gear or play time. Furthermore, every single weapon in the weapon in the game is being rebalanced to promote overall fairness and further strengthen competitive play.

    Read this part 10 times and tell me, where are the "All permanent weapons"? 

    You guys just "reset" the player-data and replaced the game with your own plan without thinking about the community. 

    Vertigo still doesn't care what the community thinks, about this game, about this moderation, and about your company. 

    Can you please check the number of players from 2008 but month for a month until now. Which changes are the reason for losing so many players?

    "Started with the overpowered weapons and characters before the revolution update, after that the revolution update, now again with the overpowered gems weapons and now hackers everywhere, and no one is focusing for the way "how they create hack tools", "what are they using to create them", "which leaks open the way to create hack tools"... I said years ago, crypt the game files... Just ignore it and try to get the hack tool by the support tickets, it's smart, ofc it is"

    I'll be honest, your knowledge about game development is nice, but you don't think about the community, you don't ask the community, you don't think like this "If I do that, will they love it or hate it?", just replace something and done, replace done and you continue like that.

    The whole Revolution update is a lie. 

    You have to change these topics

    first of all your company philosophy

    the gameplay (everyone wants the old gameplay, not the revolution one which is a copy from CS:GO, Black Squad and other games)

    the marketing (inhuman prices)

    Crypting the game folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Papaya Play\BlackShot\BlackShot\Data" and also System as good as possible. To make it hard to create a hack tool for this game or avoid the file modification.

    captcha for the registration and for logins after 3 false logins

    IP block after creating over 3 accounts in 1 day

    promote the Europe game channel 

    Ping limiter - if the ping will be over 150 for a long time like for 5 seconds, so get a kick from the game

    Ping range for competitive - let the players choice for the quality in a competitive match like a new HUD with Ping-Limit Option - 50/80/100/120/ALL

    ECN capability to play LIVE and without latency(delays)

    transparencies and empathy from sides Vertigo for the community

    Still, teammates are able to block or move your body by walking around you. (not that much but still)

    Need a testing team like in the past, to avoid overpowered weapons/gears/characters.

    Aim issues, non-Gems weapons, and their less damage
  • JustpleasedontkillmeJustpleasedontkillme Posts: 0Member Beginner
    All weapons in BlackShot Revolution are completely permanent, and instead of timing out, will now degrade with use until they need to be repaired (this will not impact the weapon’s stats, however). This means no more lost gear or play time. Furthermore, every single weapon in the weapon in the game is being rebalanced to promote overall fairness and further strengthen competitive play.

    Read this part 10 times and tell me, where are the "All permanent weapons"? 

    You guys just "reset" the player-data and replaced the game with your own plan without thinking about the community. 

    Vertigo still doesn't care what the community thinks, about this game, about this moderation, and about your company. 

    Can you please check the number of players from 2008 but month for a month until now. Which changes are the reason for losing so many players?

    "Started with the overpowered weapons and characters before the revolution update, after that the revolution update, now again with the overpowered gems weapons and now hackers everywhere, and no one is focusing for the way "how they create hack tools", "what are they using to create them", "which leaks open the way to create hack tools"... I said years ago, crypt the game files... Just ignore it and try to get the hack tool by the support tickets, it's smart, ofc it is"

    I'll be honest, your knowledge about game development is nice, but you don't think about the community, you don't ask the community, you don't think like this "If I do that, will they love it or hate it?", just replace something and done, replace done and you continue like that.

    The whole Revolution update is a lie. 

    You have to change these topics

    first of all your company philosophy

    the gameplay (everyone wants the old gameplay, not the revolution one which is a copy from CS:GO, Black Squad and other games)

    the marketing (inhuman prices)

    Crypting the game folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Papaya Play\BlackShot\BlackShot\Data" and also System as good as possible. To make it hard to create a hack tool for this game or avoid the file modification.

    captcha for the registration and for logins after 3 false logins

    IP block after creating over 3 accounts in 1 day

    promote the Europe game channel 

    Ping limiter - if the ping will be over 150 for a long time like for 5 seconds, so get a kick from the game

    Ping range for competitive - let the players choice for the quality in a competitive match like a new HUD with Ping-Limit Option - 50/80/100/120/ALL

    ECN capability to play LIVE and without latency(delays)

    transparencies and empathy from sides Vertigo for the community

    Still, teammates are able to block or move your body by walking around you. (not that much but still)

    Need a testing team like in the past, to avoid overpowered weapons/gears/characters.

    Aim issues, non-Gems weapons, and their less damage
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