[LOG] 2018-08-01 Scheduled Maintenance [23:00 CEST] (Updated 2018-08-02)

GMFreemanGMFreeman Posts: 24Member Beginner
edited August 2018 Announcements
The server maintenance is complete, and all servers are open!

The following content has been adjusted:
- The La Tale Adventure Event has been added.
- There are 5 Events in La Tale Adventure. Each level awards tickets that can be exchanged for fantastic prizes.
- To access the La Tale Adventure lobby, you must use a "La Tale Adventure Ticket", obtained by logging in for at least 1 minute. You can find the ticket in your Gift Bundle.
- You can only obtain a "La Tale Adventure Ticket" once per day, per account.

*Please take note: If a "La Tale Adventure Ticket" is not in your Gift Bundle after logging in for more than 1 minute, please log in again.

La Tale Adventure - Faraway Adventure issues:
- When players touched "Event Cannonball", players will be transported to a Dark Portal.
- When players reached the end of Dark Portal map, there is no NPC or portal to send players back to La Tale Adventure Lobby.
- You will only be transported to Dark Portal if you touched "Event Cannonball", not with other monsters.

La Tale Adventure - Finding the Patch (Confusion)
Players that failed to complete Event - 2 (Faraway Adventure) due to bug thought that they will need to start from Event-1 again on the 2nd day.
- Players then used the new La Tale Adventure Ticket and start the new day entering Event - 1.
- When players reached the top of Event - 1, NPC didn't gave them a new ticket for Event - 2.
Players thought it was a bug and left Event - 1 through the portal to Elias.
- Players can't get back to La Tale Adventure Lobby because they have used the ticker (1 per account per day)

In actual fact, players are still holding Event - 2 (Faraway Adventure Ticket) from the 1st day. 
What they need to do is to go straight to Event -2 on the 2nd day because they already have the ticket in inventory.

Stay tuned for additional upcoming updates – more information regarding the patch will be released very soon.

Thank you for your patience and continued support!

- La Tale Team
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