[BS-GLB Community Feedback] CS 2.1.0 Competitive Season 1 Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
edited August 2018 Feedback & Suggestions
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

Competitive Season 1 is live! Check out the links below for more info:

 Patch Notes: https://blackshot.papayaplay.com/bsglb.do?tp=news.view&postid=1845

• Season Rewards: https://blackshot.papayaplay.com/bsglb.do?tp=news.view&postid=1847

• New Items: https://blackshot.papayaplay.com/bsglb.do?tp=news.view&postid=1846

• Goldbox Update: https://blackshot.papayaplay.com/bsglb.do?tp=news.view&postid=1848

Your feedback is extremely important and we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the links above, play a lot and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic.

Please take under consideration that the BlackShot Revolution is just the start of a new era and we will continue to improve our product with new features on the upcoming updates, including the suggestions made by our community members.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • EscapeManTrollEscapeManTroll Posts: 0Member Beginner
    i have some idea to upgrade and balance the game:

    the basic :
    - more map in all game mode
    - more weapon in all categorie
    - patch the beug because is broken in competitive

    the weapon :
    - upgrade dammage sniper (one shot the ennemi) like the old MSR Blackest grade
    - decrease the dammage off dual pistol or patch the speed shot on this weapon ( to usefull )
    - balance the dammage off weapon because the sr2 beresk kill in 4 shots and Kriss vector kill in 7 shots or it's an 4 stars and the Sr2 veresk is an 1 stars

    Competitive mode :
    - chose the mode ( SD , TFM, TDM) like the old clan war or can have an 1 inventary (gear) for the different mode
    Exemple : SD i play Infiltrator / Magazine Extention / ultimate fiddle
                    Other i play Multi Weapon / Magazine Extention / ultimate fiddle
    So i have the possibility to switch off gear behind the competitive game like the weapon menu or have 2 set off gear ( one for the SD and one for other mode )

    - check the ping off the player and take the lagger (more than 150 ping) player behind them and other behind them

    Goldbox :
    - reset jackpot chance not full random
    - set random chance for all weapon
    Exemple :

    -AWP VTG Blaze             2% to lot
    -HK416 VTG Specter        2% to lot
    -M24 Tiger                        5.5% to lot
    -SR-2 VERESK Tuning      3% to lot
    -SCAR EMAS                   2.5% to lot
    -SR-2 VERESK Shadow    12% to lot
    -AWP Primal                    12% to lot
    -M4A1 Hunter                   12% to lot
    -AK47 SRM Jungle            12% to lot
    -M1014 Arctic                   12% to lot
    -P90 Digital                      12% to lot
    -10,000 Gold                     8% to lot
    -50,000 Gold                     5% to lot

    - lot only gem thing because we just need to  gold in game

    - decrease the price of goldbox exemple : 130 = 110 and 200 = 180 because for the lot it's an scam

    Shop :

    - decrease the price of Prenium>Personnal item and Prenium>Clan item because it's to expensive

  • SunnieSunnie Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Graphics have changed so terribly, you only have the feeling that you are playing blackshot for the first time and not years ago!
    opponents are suddenly quite somewhere else you will be killed with a shot but myself I need 2-3 shot that's all not normal. the game would not have been so messy that after a game already has no desire. The game seems like a beginner trying to make a game, just terrible. We old players are really crazy before us. The guns and rausholen something new in the shop at outfits would have been enough as everyone would have been satisfied.
    But the players who have been playing their acc for years and have earned their weapons on Master and Grandmaster and could buy nz and nx for bp that we are already angry about it is normal because it took a lot of time and money. That would not have changed It had to be something unnecessary and then the worst part of the whole game was to change a joke. It would be more urgent to do something against the whole macro and hack user than such an update. But now it has become even more because you just can not play the game as it is now. Everyone was satisfied with the old bs. The only thing that was unnecessary was everything else was good and that's why many have played this game for so many years. but all leaven the game because it has nothing in common with Blackshot anymore. You can not achieve anything more than lvl 99 what is that what is because it still interesting, complete nonsense what has that please for a stimulus. If it had been exactly the same for 5-6 years as it is today, nobody would have played this game for so long. The update was the purest joke and just terrible. You would do well to restore Blackshot as it was before the update. so the game is just boring and p2win is still there. Some weapons are such a fake guns shoot faster than any smg.
  • gamma59246gamma59246 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    1) Add maps
    2) Add weapons
    3) 21 Dual Glock is op ( with macro )
    4) PATCH THE BUG TO GET MORE POINTS, and bann bug users! competitive mode = no interest
    5) Add OS in the Head like before the revolution
    6) Add Subzero Blood at all players
    8) Add gears like the old time like : + 10HP , 5HP, run faster with rifle..
    9) Put armor 4,3,2.. And the sniper can os without armor 4, to be more expressive in our play mode
    10) A system who we can spin only with members of the clan
    Thanks to read it and please, answer us..
  • eduardozeraeduardozera Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Olá equipe 
    O objetivo do revolution foi pra acabar com o tal "macro" certo? Ok.
    Pois é não tá funcionando, eles matam mais rápido e sem problemas e nada atrapalhou eles. Joguei várias salas e enjoei do game, sinto falta do BlackShot 2010/2015 com Clan war e sinto saudades dos jogadores limpos que jogavam com vontade sem nenhuma trapaça. venho aqui pedi a trazerem o BlackShot antigo de volta, muitos me disseram que vocês não atendem nosso pedido, mais tou aqui para " tentar" reviver denovo anos de alegria que passei jogando BlackShot, meu sentimento e de todos que querem o BlackShot de volta! Obrigado!
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