[BS-GLB Community Feedback] CS 2.3.0 Operation Breakthrough Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
edited September 2018 Feedback & Suggestions
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

The next level is here! New content, new Competitive Season, and more...

Operation Breakthrough is now live and you can find all details on the following links:

 Breakthrough Content

 Competitive Season 2


As usual, we would appreciate if you could check all the update info and content on the links above, test all the new features in game and later share with all of us not only your feedback but also your improvement suggestions on this topic.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the new update!

Team BlackShot


  • ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
    " No  more p2w " 
    I really start thinking the revolution update was just a scam.
    Stop giving us  good looking weapons to buy for a gold .Weapons like awp ghost etc should be only visual change (skin).Work something about balance in this game . I stoped playing this game since the gold deagle,mdr,etc update.I m waiting for good REBALANCE and starting promoting skill gameplay by you.
    If you not going to change anything in gameplay im going to unistal :(
    Im waiting for bring back weapon mastery,practice mode and REAL rebalance.

  • ByaLKooByaLKoo Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Delete new medkits etc ...
  • Apollo1gApollo1g Posts: 4Member Beginner
    The update sucks and the gachabox is an even bigger scam the drop rates are so low compared to the old BlackShot. The New Gem weapons are a total joke, Kinda defeats the purpose of All weapons will be Permanent and repairable with Gold, So looks like you just made more empty promises. Medkit 2 for gems onl is another joke, again you made it seem like the gears would be equal and only buyable with gold. So seeing as this update is going its the same system with a bogus promise of fair play to win gameplay, but Seems more like Use SMG and Pistol to two shot kill ppl. Fantastic and Well done.
  • Menta_GameMastersMenta_GameMasters Posts: 304BS GM Intermediate
    This feedback was shared via Discord by "vpns (Canada)"

    the rank to play competitive is way too low, especially with the low amount of players making up the active competitive player base. There are not enough active users to implement a working and functional system that matches you up with people of a similar rank and skill
    meaning you play with what ever 10 players queue up first, and with the level to play competitive being so low its not difficult for noobs to poke their head in for a "competitive game or two"
    then you put them in a gamemode like SND where it is extremely team oriented, and unless your team has a standout carry or 5 mad fraggers you WILL LOSE. You need to rely on everyone there having the same intention (to win the best and most efficient way possible) and with a new player or someone that is in competitive for the wrong reasons that is almost impossible.
    if they dont understand the game you are at an immediate handicap. now imagine you have to start on CT side first... you now have to trust a player with no actual competitive knowledge to hold a bomb site or lock down a choke point and relay info back as to what the Ts might be executing???
    a 5 on 5 scenario is ALWAYS favoured towards the Attacking Terrorists in a search and destroy setting (basic trade theory ask if u need clarification)... and having to play 6 rounds with one of your 5 players trying to LEARN THE MAP as they play? well that essentially puts you at a 5 on 4 disadvantage as soon as you load into the server
    meaning the enemy team could possibly have an EVEN LARGER advantage
    we need a higher competitive minimum rank, a stricter policy on what weapons were deemed "competitive", a team captain (based on highest elo on the team) to decide what side of the map they wish to start on AFTER a 5v5 knife round has been played (winning captain decides what side his team begins on)
    also fixing the bomb round timer bug, you are supposed to get two minutes to plant and defuse but if you plant even one second after the game timer reaches 40 or 35 (whatever the bomb timer is set to) then the opposing defending CT side does not even need to retake the site and defuse the bomb because the round will end before the bomb explodes.
    there is no incentive to play competitive currently. not just in terms of monetary or prize rewards, but you are not rewarded for actual skill and teamplay in this game, and your whole experience can be ruined instantly by someone new coming into competitive to "have some fun"
  • rassem00rassem00 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    We need flag Tunisa in this game !
  • TraginTragin Posts: 19Approved Member Beginner
    When the Revolution update was announced earlier this year I was very excited as I had not touched BlackShot for almost two years. The game was no longer as it simply required too much money to even have a chance of competing with the fully cashed players. Then came the revolution update. While the update was a little rough on the edges and it certainly was not perfect. The update finally showed some of the potential the game once had. Some mistakes should have certainly been handled differently. I'll first dive a little bit in some general problems that have been bugging me since the launch of revolution before I'll dive into disgrace of an update called "Operation breakthrough".

    First is the fiasco with the gem compensation. Vertigo has failed completely with a clear communication towards her community about how gems will be compensated. A clear answer was NEVER given as to how weapons and other items from the gold box were compensated. Furthermore I have seen and heard some rumors about problems with non-activated weapons. It is simply unacceptable that Vertigo did not take responsibility for the problems and came with a clear and transparent answer to this while fiasco. Now the solution offered to some users is for them to simply wait until December and give them an update on some sort of plan? You're playing with the money of your customers here. I would really encourage the players that find that they are duped by this to perhaps look into legal measures. Especially for European players. EU law still stands above any unreasonable TOS or EULA that a company throws at you.

    Another issue that I want to address is how the conversation of BP into Gold was handled by Vertigo. I personally still debate whether or not it was the right move to begin with. However, I'd like to talk about how the issue was justified. From multiple representatives (GMs/DSHs) I heard that it was done to prevent the instant inflation of the gold value. Arguments can be made for this, but I suppose there is some sort of truth in it. What I do not understand is how you can then justify that people are able to buy gold with gems. This is an instant cause of inflation of your gold value. The logic behind it simply does not add up. Just feels like a nice money grab by Vertigo. The players earned their BP mostly through buying BSC items or playing goldboxes. Are they actually compensated for this money in the form of gems? Now they have to get all of their "BP/Gold" currency again.

    Right with those two annoyance out of the way. Let's see how Revolution was advertised:

    Gems are both available for purchase and obtainable as
    rewards for in-game events. Gems are used to purchase permanent character
    customization items and higher-tier Goldboxes. Character customization items
    and Goldbox rewards do not provide any major gameplay advantage, instead
    granting benefits primarily cosmetic in nature.

    What happened to these plans? Why is what you promised to your player base when revolution been thrown in the bin within three updates. You have instantly gone back to your cash grabbing methods. It just shows that you're unable to play the long game and don't give a single care about what the game has become as long as it earns you money. The premium med kit gives a clear advantage when compared with the normal med kit. 

    Also the strongest weapons in Revolution are now once again locked behind the Goldboxes/Gachaboxes. As I am sure that Vertigo well aware these "lootboxes" have officially been declared illegal in both Belgium and The Netherlands. Regardless, it again goes against the spirit of the "play to win" slogan you introduced with Revolution. There is a significant advantages to playing with these five star gold box weapons. There is NOTHING cosmetic about them. Furthermore, I strongly advise Vertigo to look into the legal side of these goldboxes as they are breaking a few laws now :).

    Furthermore: The competitive system is a joke. The system is dominated by people abusing a simply rejoin bug to receive points. I do not want to know what kind of spaghetti code-base you're working with to make it work like this.
    It is no fun at all to constantly be playing against a team consisting of rejoining players. Meanwhile they get 30+ points for a single match while we got 6 points for winning the match. Where is the point of having to report 50% of the players for rejoining when their only punishment is a removal of the competitive system. While clearly they are abusing a game breaking bug. It simply shows how little Vertigo actually cares about the "competitiveness" of the game. 

    I'd love to go more in-depth on all of this. But this is more than enough of my time. I'd like to hear some official statements from a DSH or Vertigo employee about the points brought up in this post.


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