Dekaron classic server when ?

elexetorelexetor Posts: 3Member Beginner
All major companies are listening to players lineage and world of warcraft listen and created classic servers for the players, when we get a classic server for dekaron also ? Something like action 1,2 or 3 were considered classic and golden age of dekaron, and this does not even require to hire a new DEV just a new server... and lets roll there are many ppl who would like to play classic version of dekaron....

You can make it subscripton based and keep the dshop classic as it was long time ago no BS we got nowdays.


  • ShadowAlokenLVShadowAlokenLV Posts: 200Approved Member Trainee
    Well worst example you brought when it comes to WoW and  Lineage. 1st these games you mentioned have a solid player base that haven't drasticly decreased. Comparing to that Dekaron is simply a slow sinking ship. Back in a day when i played we had two english clients. Acclaim 2 moons ( had 2 massive servers and Europien client with pretty same 2 massive servers. There was a point where it would justify to make clasic server and that's only during GH when Eu and USA servers were merged and player base was at it's last highest peek but that ship is long gone since out of 4 massive servers from 2 clients we have barely 1 server up and from what i heard player base is still slowly decreasing.

    2nd Papaya can't make any decition without Korean DEV blessing sort of speak since they got publishing rights only so if you want to see one day clasic server then my guess you should send a proper mail to Korean DEV team and hope that one day they might do this but based on latest update they brought, where max lv cap increased to 230, new map/skills/weapon and especially after they broke chains with NEXON. I don't think they will take this serious because whole business model for them after NEXON break been focus on VIP system and more random on top of the random bs.
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