Please, Please, Auction System for ships

uwoplayerABCuwoplayerABC Posts: 1Member Beginner
I've been around this game for years, and under different names and accounts and places. One thing I notice about this game compared to many other MMOs is that there is NO Auction System to sell ships. For other items the company shops are adequate, especially after your court rank is high enough to use the "search" function. The bazaars are ok too but you have to spend quite a bit of time searching through them for items.
This is a great game, so fantastic, fun to play, but if you're not on 24/7 or have to work and don't have "uwo friends" that are on every day, it is really hard to price some things.
Merchant Chat as it stands now is pretty much useless. All you see is the same players every day trying to sell the same thing (usually a ship or other item that can't be priced adequately in bazaar or company) for days or even weeks, or trying to buy in the same way. Many of the ones who use Merchant Chat are resellers, trying to just make a profit, and also some scammers and some players who just talk there. The forum marketplace doesn't see much use. What is missing is an auction system where you can put whatever price you want on an item, or ship, and a way to see All the stats of the ship, and compete in the uwo marketplace in real time. This would require some game coding, but it would be So Worth it. Call me an observationist, I observe. And observe. I watch. Just like many others. I think it would make the game come alive to have a real Auction House, of course with a percentage fee for using it, but it would get rid of a lot of nonsense and make the game run So Much Smoother. Please take this into consideration. Please pass it on to the devs. It probably has been mentioned before but Really, Really this game Needs one. Many other MMOs already have some type of auction house. Please do this! And make sure to code it so you can see All the stats of the ship you're buying if it is a ship. This would help so much.
Thank You!

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