Tactics are problematic

I have to say blackshot got a lot better after the recent changes, it got rid of the whole p2p problem, but the tactics are really a problem
Let me explain:
Tactics are a great way to reward players for playing the game
To get 1 tactic point you need to spend 200 minutes playing.
Now here's the problem, we have 8 upgrades, to get 1 upgrade you need 5 points, to get 5 points you need to play 1000 minutes
To get all the 8 upgrades you need to play 8000 minutes which in hours is 133 hours
Let's say an average player plays 4 hours a day, which is more than generous, he's going to need to play for 4 hours a day for 1 month and a few days.
Now this is just to get one power up, there are 5, and to get them all you need to spend 4 hours a day for almost 5 months and 2 weeks

Now here's my suggestion:

Instead of rewarding players for the time they're playing, reward them for the amount of kills they get.
Make it 50 kills, this will encourage players to play the game instead of just probably join a lobby and go afk
Hope you guys read this and thanks for making this game


  • ArbuzzzArbuzzz Posts: 5Member Beginner
    Tactics system is trash xd Its dumb no matter if u played that 10000hours or payed 10000$ its still such a toxic mechanics. 
    Better player should win not guy who have a more time to spend for playing / money to spend. 

    "I have to say blackshot got a lot better after the recent changes "- no blackshot fuck up headshot mechanics , sniper gameplay and didnt change anything about  p2w , balance.

    This game is such unskilled , p2w garbage . Gameplay = spraying while running and praying . Im realy enjoying only playing whith deagle but still player whith 0 aim abilities , brain etc can kill me whith unskilled auto9 , dual glocks or other spam and pray stuff.

    Sorry for bad eng , 
    This game is garbage im going to uninstal :)
  • Oxion1996Oxion1996 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    I kindly disagree since blackshot at the current state is trying its best to introduce events, gifts and daily rewards that are killing the p2w stereotype, right now without paying, you can get 5 star weapons just by doing really simple tasks,

    As for the headshot mechanics theres no problem, actually i think its better than most FPS games

    Then theres the snipers, the reason snipers need 2 shots now is because they were OP, if u introduce a one shot kill mechanic for snipers, everyone's gonna use it, i think that change was really clever of the GMs
  • bekafibekafi Posts: 8Member Beginner
    Oxion how much have you played blackshot before and after the revolution?
    1. A good headshot with a weapon like AK47 or Scar has to be deadly, always!. If we can´t rely on that, spraying will always be the better option, so skill is not rewarded.
    2. The sniper damage system is completely unpredictable. Sometimes you get the kill with one shot, sometimes you don´t. Long time ago there was no (!) sniper in Blackshot that could oneshot you (if you had the right armor). Then they introduced the oneshot snipers with the MSR Omega. And since the revolution everything is just random. I´d prefer to get the old system back where you knew your first sniper shot would not kill.
    3. Since the last update it has become a lot worse for f2p players as they re-introduced the NZ weapons, buyable for gems.
  • patrickking228patrickking228 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    you know what is problematic

    this nigger developers and this nigger DIABO is problematic

    diabo i hope your mom dies from cancer and you too

    thanks bye
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