Did the Looting Change?

BeautyStitchesBeautyStitches Posts: 0Member Beginner
I don't play LaTale or other games that often due to being busy all the time. So I returned to play after a while. At first, I couldn't use my skills. I noticed they were darkened at the top and wondered why. That's when I noticed that the loot button was green instead of pinkish purple. I didn't pay much mind to it, though. Anyway, I figured out that my skills have been reset (this seems to happen every time I play the game again after a long break). It doesn't matter. I don't mind that too much, though I think that might still be a problem.

So I filled in the skills and began attacking some monsters. Oh, look, some loot! My auto-looting pet expired, so I have to pick it up manually. No problem! So I press the usually loot button and see my character do the normal "picking up" animation. However, the bag remained. No sign of anything picked up. I tried again and again, and nothing. That's when I curiously hovered my mouse over the loot button and saw that it only loots quest items. I thought this might be separate from the regular loot button...

I went into the skills tab to check out the support skills. There was only one button for looting. What's going on here? Can my character not pick up items manually anymore if the items are not items for a current quest? I'll see if my character can pick up items for a quest and reply to my comment on the results.
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