Join London_Guards friendly/helpful/new player friendly

hooskiefloofhooskiefloof Posts: 2Member Beginner
Hello I am Privite.Nemo I know my spelling is wrong I mistype and didn't notice till I already got to lvl 23 lol But I am a friendly helpful person so if you need help in game be sure to message or join my company for a fun time. the company just started so there is only me and my two alts right now but I will be withdrawing them once I start getting members to join. I am a pirate in training just to get a book from a npc for my crafting alt. My goal is to be a body guard and protect my company family from harm and any other players who need protection. Which is why I came up with the name London_Guards. I want everyone to enjoy the game as much as I do. I do have more experience as a trader but have survived many pirate attacks so I thought I would give maritime a go. I also have experience as adventure so I have experience in all types of jobs to help players who are new but I would also like other people experienced in other parts of the game to join the fun in helping others too. I am making this ad since I couldn't say all this in the ad for the company in the small space i got and I had so much i wanted to tell everyone about the company. Everyone is welcome to join no matter job/lvl/exp just don't be hunting down company members and no hurting others in any way or you will be kicked from company if I can prove you did it. I want a fair and friendly place for all to have fun and enjoy the game. Games are no fun when we feel stressed or mad because someone upset us so lets try to have a fun time and let your gaming time be a joyful time to be with friends and have a blast. That is what I seek in members but don't feel pressured to always be in a good mood just be respectful to others and all will be good. Also just be on once a week to be considered active and if you need time off just let me know and you won't be kicked but I will only kick if we need room and only people who have not meet requirements/gone the longest. I would like to give thanks to Clink of Global_Trades for all the fun before the server reset that happened he was my best friend in game and I hope to have a company that is good as his he taught me everything I know about the game.


  • hooskiefloofhooskiefloof Posts: 2Member Beginner
    sorry to anyone who tried to join had a family emergency happen and lost company rights so company is disbanded
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