Starting out

 Hey everyone. I recently came back to give this another go. I never really got a grasp of the game before. Id like to find an active group to play with and prefer to have some sort of voice communications. I dont want to be a bother 24/7 but would like some assistance getting pointed in the right direction from time to time. Thanks for any help.


  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    Freedom Hunters in Amsterdam is good for new players. There's active people online most of the time there.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • Ajust123Ajust123 Posts: 75Member Beginner
    To add to puplepirates comment, if FreedonHunters is full we may ask you to apply in (or if you have an Alt) NewFreedomHunters which is our sister and overflow Company. If you go to NFH we will invite you across to FH as soon as we clear a spot for you.

    ING: Kitaro

    Deputy Dir FreedomHunters
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