[BS-GLB Event] Lunar Games with the GMs

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

Gong xi fa cai, mercs, whatever that means! Join the GMs in deadly combat and be rewarded like a pro!

✪ Duration:

16 Jan - 10 Feb Tue, Thu, 2100HRS CET;

✪ Details:

At the above timings, the GMs will create either a SD, TFM, or TDM match;

The room location and password will be announced via lobby announcement. Join the room and fight!

You'll be rewarded based on your performance. Rewards vary depending on the map/mode.

Abusive behavior is grounds for disqualification.

You can only join once a day.

✪ Rewards:

MVP: Lion Dance+ (3 Days)

Winning Team: M4A1 Lunarblaze+ (3 Days)

Losing Team: 5,000 Gold

Team BlackShot
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