Santo Domingo West > Land Charting > Collection Bug

DCamelDCamel Posts: 12Member Beginner
To whom it may concern:

Mine friend and I are doing Land Charting of Santo Domingo West and discover that the Collection task is bugged on that map.
2. Mine friend and I are fleeted and is following doing the Collection task, both of us start @ 0 Collection points.
3. Just happen that one of us is unlucky not getting successful Collection points ... end up 1 of us get 20 the other still 5.
4. According to the task for the Land Charting, fleeted member(s) will get half of other fleeted member Collection points.
5. We notice the strangeness and decide to abort the Land Charting and restart.
6. We end up getting the same result of 20 vs 5 points.
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