Battle support won't work with Black wizard

mokmvsk4mokmvsk4 Posts: 6Member Beginner
All skill is always interupted, I can't play any skill, can't do anything and still standing. Please fix it


  • GMbonovoxxGMbonovoxx Posts: 104Admin Trainee
    Hi mokmvsk4,

    The issue with Battle Support stalling and cancelling skills is known, and our dev team is working on it. However, bugs that start randomly like that are tricky to pin down. If you could, we ask that you take a screenshot of your Battle Support setup the next time the issue occurs, and send it to us as part of a support ticket? That will help us out, thank you.

    I find that dropping out of Battle Support and manually using each on the list skill once will un-stick the function for a while. I know that doesn't help when you're AFK, but hopefully it will be of a little assistance in the mean time, until we get to the bottom of the issue.
    The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
    And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
    And a dark wind blows
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