New Helion Server - URGENT

Hello, I am a old player that played back from action 3 all the way to action 8, quit came back at action 12 through 15....

Since then the server you guys main has been very disappointing and as bad of a cash grab as nexon. I Hope you all don't just make it a new server Please if all possible keep all the below out of the game and some changes.

1. Leave out OP items out of dshop and events
2. Lower EXP over all on the game by 25% 
3. By lowering the exp to 25% you can work on existing dungeons and re add functions back to the game as they was before. 
4. Lowering the EXP promotes players to purchase EXP boosters and appreciate EXP events.
5. Enabling some of the older maps to make the game more vast from lower to higher levels. I have done Pserver work in the past, its simple as just enabling the tick of the file and putting a portal to it. The maps are already in the game.
6. Add better rewards in normal quests to promote questing at lower levels.
7. Get rid of that GD fog in ardeca please its a good looking map let people enjoy it.
8. Resurrect the Expedition map it was a interesting twist to the game when it worked before they butchered it and no one played it after........  you could re purpose it for higher levels since it requires a multi party system.
9. Add more cosmetics to replace the OP items u take out a shop that has quantity can balance out the profit.

I really am affraid that this new server will just be a hype train for couple months and then will derail and you all will just go back to your cash hording and non player listing ways. 

Fafner, Kuzonagi, FullmetalAlchemist98, some of my old names

Guilds : Origin, Excelion, Savior, Gunslingers, and Pheonix

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