Regarding the new crosshair/scope system

ChocoQ420ChocoQ420 Posts: 48Member Beginner
So, I know on discord ~2 years ago, I said that DE could make a system where we could interchange crosshairs/scopes easier if they just created a UI for it, because of how scopes/crosshairs actually work in the files. You could download “” to open the TGA files and edit the images almost perfectly, thus gave me the sense that, if DE could implement a UI, they could be interchangable.

Fast forward 2 years later and they applied it. In that same suggestion, I recommended that they add “nostalgia UI” from Chapter 1, including weapon skins, sounds, reload animations, UI, character models, etc.

On both suggestions, I was met with insults & “that’s not possible” when in fact, it is, and has been entirely possible. (They added in classic chapter 1 character skins ~6 months later) they can literally add in new UI to change the color/style of the in-game UI, BECAUSE I CAN EDIT THE TGA FILES MANUALLY TO DO IT lol

Literally every suggestion I’ve made, IS possible if DE is willing to do it. Which leads me to my next “why hasn’t this been done”
Phantomers USES THE SAME FILES for textures, sounds, and even most animations. Phantomers has been removed globally. It’s no longer accessible. Why aren’t they focusing efforts to recreate WarRock using phantomers version of the jindo engine? They can use almost *all* of the current assetts and make the job easier than just recreating the game from scratch. WarRock is literally DE’s only source of income at the moment, even their website appears to be down, or has moved.

So, it’s all *possible* it’d all make the game run & play *better* and the crosshair system proves that I was right when it comes to stuff like this (though I’m open for discussion if I am wrong)

Also, a disclaimer, don’t edit your game files. If you’re caught doing this, you can be banned. You also can’t edit any texture files (like for guns, walls, etc)
Please, don’t get yourself banned. This is mostly just for me to say, “Hah, told everyone it was possible”


  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate


    Does this mean that it is possible to change the characteristics of weapons, etc.?
  • ChocoQ420ChocoQ420 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    Idk what you’re asking honestly.

    In terms of weapon balance? Yes that’s possible.
    In terms of adding in animations, with the ability to use Ironsights? Yes it’s possible, but half of the community wouldn’t like that.
    In terms of upgrading textures/files to be more modern? Absolutely is possible, though again, half of the community would be against any visual changes.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    Then it turns out that by changing the client in the computer you can get a huge advantage over other players. 

    Now it becomes clear why some players have weapons with 100% accuracy
  • ChocoQ420ChocoQ420 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    Unsure, alot of things are server sided. I believe the game cross checks what the server says you need and what your client says it has for those.
    I know there was speculation quite some time ago that it was possible to do that, and it was only known amongst some turkish players. It’s hard to say if it’s possible or not without trying it, and if it does work that way, we could all balance the guns as we see fit which is not a good thing, but would show the laziness pace in which DE/Papaya works at in order to balance things correctly.
    Idk if scripts like no spread/no recoil change the values in the clients memory or how those work.
    I certaintly hope it’s not possible to do by altering some of the files though.
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