[BS-GLB NOTICE] Community Feedback: Operation Neo Chronos Part 5

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate

Hello Mercs,

Operation Neo Chronos Part 5 is now live! Check out the all-new Callsigns and Emblems, new character Vanessa Neo, along with the latest weapons and maps updates here: 

 - Operation Neo Chronos Part 5  
(click for more info)

As usual, we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the links above, play a lot to test all the new features and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic. 

Don't forget that by leaving your feedback you are not only helping us to provide you the best possible gaming service but also participating on the Event Update Feedback from which you can win multiple rewards!

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • GraksmxxtGraksmxxt Posts: 12Approved Member Beginner
    Here is the "constructive feedback" for your event:

    1. Mastery system: restore the old exp and add real + weapons not that nx trash

    2. reduction of the p2w factor by 50-70% (damage advantage, recoil advantage, aiming, equipment, characters....) it is just unplayable like it is now and the overall damge output is just to high

    3. bug fixes: several bugs (reloading, map bugs, sometimes bug rooms,...)

    That was the short form, for further information just read the constructive feedback from the older posts that y<ou ignored the last times. 
    (ps: keep your event weapons im not gonna use them until the game gets back its main features)

  • bekingbeking Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si les développeurs pourraient publier le classement des joueurs de blackshot révolution qui devait sortir fin novembre 2019. Merci d'avance. 
  • EduTekashiEduTekashi Posts: 4Member Beginner
    I found the 5th part of Operation Neo Chronos the best of all, it brought weapons available with Gold and Emblems in the Inventory!
  • alicia236alicia236 Posts: 36Member Beginner
    Quando a administração do blackshot vai começar a ligar para a maioria dos jogadores? Quando vocês vão se importar com as pessoas que ainda jogam esse jogo? 
    O bs não tem mais salas para jogar, não tem mais competitividade. 
    Lutando por um blackshot justo e limpo.
    beginning: dezembro/2008
  • dedelegal123dedelegal123 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    No geral, essa Operação Chronos está ok, não acho necessário usar o formato dessas novas armas futuristas e aplicar numa nova cor com novo nome, vejo que o que atrai os jogadores, são as armas antigas, seria interessante se houvesse, skins exclusivas, de países, cores especiais, de torneios (competitive, clan war ou events), exemplo: Uma M24 com o logo do Blackshot, ou uma AK-47 Brasil, nas cores representativas, armas que são muito usadas por todos, e não só em gemas, mas exclusivas de GOLD, desbloqueáveis. Os Call Signs e Emblemas são legais, mas quando um oponente te mata, o emblema e callsign dele aparece muito grande na tela, seria interessante ver num tamanho menor, até mesmo para visualizar melhor o personagem que matou. 
  • BraynStormBraynStorm Posts: 0Member Beginner
    you have to solve the wh first And more packages and weapons should come to the shop.
  • ilyesmeddebilyesmeddeb Posts: 6Member Beginner
    First my feedback about NEO part 5 , is good , because part 5 , have everything : 
    - new character
    - new weapons (speciale: weapons "Gold ")
    -new events (speciale "EXP Bonus")
    -good Competitive REWARDS . (But the GOLD rank "F2000 Striker+"Why Just 3Days )
    - and the  new Fabulous idea "NEW CHARACTER BADGES"
    ***All is Good but we need to wark in future to be more creative " not copy paste B.S mobile" and we need to wark on  Mastery Weapons "Like old time "scop silence,... " and we need more weapons with gold ... why not a new CHARACTER with gold ... "
    we need to be more beter more powerful ... 
    with my Love all soldiers & B.S family... Wakanda...
    IGN- Wakanda 
  • mandarijnmandarijn Posts: 5Approved Member Beginner
    My feedback about Operation Neo Part 5:


    - Very nice new character, Good style with good abilities. (Usefull but also not to strong) 
    -  Daily gifts (For logging in) Its a very good thing because people keep logging in and experience with new weapons.
    -  The competetiv rewards are very good this chapter (Part 5) 
    -  New weapons are good, the camo on it looks very sick.
    - Med kit for gold is very nice.


    - Pay to win, Iknow many players already complain about this.
    I think that when someone pays in a game he need to have a slight of advantage. But now you need to pay alot of money to compete with other players. 
    My big problem for this is, If i ask my friends to play with me Blackshot and they are new. They just have only gold weapons. (Ofcourse there is an beginner channel but the beginner channel has almost 0 players online)

    So when they play with me in the world channel they get killed because everyone got payed weapons and i think thats the problem that nobody is keep playing blackshot. 

    - I like the way that there is an NEO chapter with different parts every month.I think it takes to long now the same ''style''. i hope it will change soon and every month different.

    I hope you understand because my english is not the best.

    Your sincerly,

    Ing: IntenseLorraine

  • KhaTarnaKKhaTarnaK Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Please back some old character like sniper mantis Nina and old gears 
    Ign -: DeFeTeR
  • tchenkobrunotchenkobruno Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Sobre a nova atualização, foi uma boa ter personagem novo, alguns mapas novos no Competitivo. Mas porem, repetir mapas do comp passado nao e legal. Seria muito legal ter uma enquete na propria pagina do Blackshot com 10 mapas TFM e 10 mapas SD. para podermos votar em 4 de cada modo, assim podemos interagir mais os Playes com administração do Game. poderiam rever as formas dos ElosPoints, Exemplo: Master e GranMaster, sao poucos playes que chegam nesses Elos. quanto mais Players a chegarem em um Elo novo mas o motivam, mas muitos chegam em platina e nao jogam mais comp, e tendo Elos de um modo diferente alegrariam mais players a jogarem a temporada inteira e nao so ate pegar Platina. Obrigado 
  • mesut87mesut87 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    selam taktik paketi geri getirirseniz çok iyi olur. birde ( snow tdm map ) istiyoruz
  • M1nd0fGamerM1nd0fGamer Posts: 0Member Beginner

    Regarding the update " Operation Neo Chronos Part 5 "

    I do like the new skins on the newest weapons released but the only negative thing is that it's always the same weapons, you guys could do much better than that i guesS.

    Furthermore, those weapons are only available with cash currency. I thought the game will be play to win.?

    The return of some old maps is a good thing even though i do not understand why they were gone... not only it's the same graphics, nothing has changed and the bugs are till the same..

    The only thing i'll add about this is that i really hope that you guys bring back the SDI Mode very soon because i miss that mode very much :(

    Reintroducing weapons that were for cash before revolution is also mindblowing in my opinion.

    Also, you guys brought a new character when you said at the beginning of revolution that parts will come and not a full character only available for cash.. Furthermore, the new character is full bugged and pay to win, i hope you fix that soon.

    The new package is dam* too expensive =/

    I like the badge system, and i'm sure more will come and so the improvements such as reducing the banners in game for example ( it's way too big in game in my opinion ) 

    I like the boost and the events it's always something good for the game experience but Competitive Season 25 is boring will all the hackers.

    I'd also like to talk about some features that were gone before revolution and i hope they are reintroduced soon:

    Such as the "pop-up windows" that informs users when something in their storage has expired or needs to be repaired;

    We are also still waiting for the "Partner System"

    BTW, can you guys remove the 30 seconds ban for spamming? that is so ANNOYING and useless..

    Thanks for reading,
    IGN: T0X1CCiTy

  • Ziena161616Ziena161616 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Let's talk about the update ''Operation Neo chronos part 5''

    First I need to say that it is wonderfull to get every month an update with new things. (New characters, New Weapons, New Gear)

    + New badge system is really cool, it gives another look when your killed. I'm very curious when there will be more badges and signs in the shop or achievements.

    - Partner ship to bring back, it was really cool.

    + Daily Gift is nice, everyone can get gem items and try it out for free.

    -  Give instead of a weapon or an item a random box where always a gem item comes out but you dont know what it is. So it is an surprise what you get.

    + Competetive rewards are very nice (Good weapons and also good items + Gold)\

    - Change point system, there are less players then before. There only silver, gold, plat and black players... maybe change the point system so players can achieve other ranks also.

    + Returning maps like ice cave and ryokan. (I'm Oldskool so i like it when old maps terturns, Also mean street in competetive)

    - Change all maps in competetive, Like office it is already three times in competetive.

    + New character is very nice, it has good abilities.

    - More different packages, Its difficult to buy an package with an character because they all miss something. Make an rifle expert like before revolution. That american soldier or that mantis sn1per suit. Or bring rayne back.

    Good Luck with reading all comments,

    IGN: HeadI3banger

  • LeonardoSLeonardoS Posts: 2Member Beginner
    sobre o evento Neo operation sao otimos itens mais pela questao dos Pre&ccedil;os fica inacess&iacute;vel para Os Br mais fora isso sao otimos itens E EU queria fazer um Pedido a equipes de voces que voltem Com &acute;&acute;ParTner&acute;&acute; E outros Itens Como Ak47 Black. Rayne. AWP Black e Outros Itens Do Bs passado Para Da uma relembrada no Pasado Mais em Geral o Jogo Esta Otimo....

  • The_FoxThe_Fox Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    i suggest nothing ,,,just do it and keep going :) this game is better 4ever . ign : purmafia
  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello everyone,

    First of all we would like to thank all participants for sharing their feedback on the latest update and we promise that all improvement suggestions will be taken under consideration for future updates.

    With this being said, you may consult the results of the Event Update Feedback on the following link:

    Team BlackShot
This discussion has been closed.