What are the odds...

purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
So, i just did 6 legend exchanges in the cove and each time all i got back was 1 single cap ticket. What's up with that???
IGN: Samantha99


  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    so i tried the legend exchange again today to give it another try. I played 2 more times today and sure enough, same thing 1 SINGLE CAP TICKET  each time??? What's going on papaya, seriously What Are The ODDS!!! This makes 8 times in a row this has happened, no sails, no fs parts,no batch of tickets nothing, just 1 single cap ticket each time. I wouldn't be asking this except this makes 8 times in a row that this has happened now, that seems to extreme for the legend exchange. 

    Has anyone else experienced this with the cove? I don't think i'm alone with this and nobody's luck can be that bad.

    What are the odds???
    IGN: Samantha99
  • Live4uwoLive4uwo Posts: 30Member Beginner
    Same here. In 98% 1 cpt tic and if "lucky" I got 3 pcs of them. I am too wondering what is going on with legend exchange. Is there a "good item drop calculation" made or simply pp wants other non-uwc players can get cpt tic simply from us cove players because cove players usually don't use tic's because of inventory occupy instead of storing items in cove.   
  • vwtm11vwtm11 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Agree with Live4uwo - way more than 90% are capt tickets (x1). I got x15 only once and I consider myself extremely lucky. And it doesn't matter if you sacrifice blue/red items or gold/silver - this doesn't affect the item dropped or it's quality/quantity.

    @purplepirate - For me, it dropped about third of the items that are offered in legendary exchange, yet with the cost of many, many, many tries
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