Recommendation to the game in general

Elcreeperpro34Elcreeperpro34 Posts: 1Member Beginner
edited August 2020 Feedback & Suggestions
Good Afternoon / Nights / Days how are gms and blackshot community? I hope they are super good, well here I come to give my suggestion to the GM, I am sure that all users want the weapons to be permanent, so my suggestion is that they add so that the weapons are permanent, I mean you buy a weapon and you It becomes permanent, or at least it costs a little more to make it permanent, I am sure that all blackshot players want weapons to last forever, since it is a bit annoying that the weapons run out, you don't even use them So I hope you take my suggestion into account, because if you do that many people will come back to the game and they will have many more people playing blackshot since it is a great game, with nothing more to say I wait for your answer bye take care
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